Trooping with an MLC1?


Active Hunter
I was just curious if anyoneout there has pictures of themselves wearing an mlc1? I just received mine yesterday while as it fits my large head it may be just a touch too big and just barely too big. It does have a very spherical dome as well which gives it the apearance of being larger instead of a more conical shape. If you have some pics throw them up! I am thinking about painting it and using it for a display. Let m know what you guys think!
Here's me with my MLC-1 fits me great for ESB.

HAHAHA Well I am 6'3" and 250ish but my shoulders arent that broad at least I dont think. Maybe its just the fact that I have never had a helmet that fit my frame and now I do and it seems awkward LOL
I thought it was going to be to big for me at first but then tried it on with my armor and thought it looked great. I would say it should fit you well, just make sure to have your armor on when you try it out.
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