Tooth question...


Active Hunter
I'm looking at TK 409's measurements, and it gives the height of each tooth but not the width of each tooth at the bottom of the visor?

I'm layin' out my marks but I'm stuck without this....:confused
I have a mystery helmet, and my measurements for both teeth match his. So, for what it's worth, here's what I measured for the width of each tooth base:

Right: 9 mm
Left: 8 mm

REMEMBER: His diagram defines "right" and "left" with the helmet facing you. So what he indicates as "right" will be your left side if you were wearing the helmet.
The bottoms of the face on either side of the visor...

Edit: Thanks Jimmy :)

REMEMBER: His diagram defines "right" and "left" with the helmet facing you. So what he indicates as "right" will be your left side if you were wearing the helmet.

Now he tells me :/ Good thing I haven't cut anything yet...
those are the mandibles.

i am scratch building my bucket and i think i have those measurements way off. Mine are about 13mm :(
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