TK409 ESB cape

Trooper TK409

Active Hunter
Mrs. TK-409 is at it again and she made an ESB cape for me. It's made of canvas (like the ROTJ tent material) and includes a mini button hole for attaching to the collar armor.

Reference photo:


Get it dirty and you're set! ;)

Looks nice, however, if you want an opinion, I don't think the ESB stripe was sewn in, it looks like it was either woven or dyed.

Actually, is your cape 2 pieces or 3...heh, now I can't tell...dyed, stitched? Hmm.

I love the off-center stripe though, I do believe that's right on!
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MaxPlague wrote:

Get it dirty and you're set! ;)

Looks nice, however, if you want an opinion, I don't think the ESB stripe was sewn in, it looks like it was either woven or dyed.

Actually, is your cape 2 pieces or 3...heh, now I can't tell...dyed, stitched? Hmm.

I love the off-center stripe though, I do believe that's right on!

Yes i believe the orignal was a once piece cape, possable a blinket made by a company called "Hudson Bay" ive seen various blinkets on ebay that are very close to this but not the right color.These are one piece blinkets like the movie and i woldnt be surpised if this was the same company that supplied the (blinket) cape for ESB.
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i got one of those and i love it . and NO on the hudson bay blanket idea . i got one off of EBAY so i could try it . i got the colors right on the blanket , but the stripe was way to small , like 3 inches or so . it didn't work at all , so i sold the blanket , on ebay !

Trooper TK409 wrote:

Mrs. TK-409 is at it again and she made an ESB cape for me. It's made of canvas (like the ROTJ tent material) and includes a mini button hole for attaching to the collar armor.

Reference photo:



You.. are.. a.. god.. :D Seriously though.. nicely done. I never cease to be amazed. Inspiration, thy name is TK-409! :thumbsup:
Hudson bay blinket come in a variety of "stripe" sizes ive seen. I saw one a few years ago that looked dead on but was selling for over $150, otherwise i would have bought it.
Does anyone have a pic that they could post depicting the reverse side of a TK409 ESB cape? I'd like to check out how it is stitched together.

Hammerhead said:
Does anyone have a pic that they could post depicting the reverse side of a TK409 ESB cape? I'd like to check out how it is stitched together.


I've got enough of both color materials(cream & bronzish) if you wanted to buy them to send to him for sewing. $20 shipped:D

I have a ROTJ version. I think it looks a little to worn and faded. More of a gray than green. Has anyone else had this concern?... Still awesome though.
DL44 Blaster said:
I've got enough of both color materials(cream & bronzish) if you wanted to buy them to send to him for sewing. $20 shipped:D

Thanks for the offer Steve, but at this point what I really would like to know is what the stitching on the reverse side looks like. The reason I am asking is that I bought a Fett ESB cape from someone (not TK409) a while back, and the appearance of the stitching on the reverse side (not to mention the button holes) does not look very nice. I expect that TK409's version will look better, but I'd like to see a pic or two of the reverse side of the cape to verify. Thanks!
Good heavens this is an old thread!

kbrosseau, if you are unhappy with your cape, please send it back and I'll exchange it.

Hammerhead. I'll try and get a photo for you. The underside will look similar to what the seam on a pair of pants looks like turned inside out. Because the way the cape hangs, you don't see that part.
If i didn't already have mine, i would definately buy one of yours. But i love mine :D . Outstanding work Mrs TK409

Nice costume Chris.
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