TK0488's real Jango bucket


Well-Known Hunter
Here ya go Ral..:)

I'm gonna try and take a page out of Seeker's book..:thumbsup:

But I was recently commissioned to paint a FP one-off Jango Bucket ..
Let me say first that this thing is amazing!!! A little small but still..WOW!!:eek:

anyway I normally only Build/Paint Boba, but I thought I would take a stab at Jango...

I think pictures say more than words...

I will post progress pics as I'm able to...these were taken last week.











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WOW,:eek: that looks awesome Spideyfett. It is amazing how a visor starts to make a helmet look complete. I love the way you put the visor in. The black matting inside gives it an incredible look. Top notch work as always.:cheers
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Spidey - here's the way I installed the ear piece and stalk. I dont think there's any lost of the stalk height. The way it is it's the way the real one is. Jango's helmet is alot different in many ways.

16mb video

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Just one question... out of curiosity...

Do you paint the grey/silver part ?? or will leave the coldcast finish ??? (I think you have painted it... wouldnt be better to leave the "factory" lol coldcast finish ???
Thanks ALL.. I will put some better pics up later.....finished ones..;)

and Benkenove....the helmet is a Cold Cast Helmet, so there is no painting the silver on.....just some fine Steel wool and Aluminum polish and its good to go..:thumbsup:

Just one question... out of curiosity...

Do you paint the grey/silver part ?? or will leave the coldcast finish ??? (I think you have painted it... wouldnt be better to leave the "factory" lol coldcast finish ???
Looking good Spidey!
I'm working on my LFL helmet as well. How did you go about getting your tinted visor so snug in the helmet. What did you use? a template?
I made a template but not sure its gonna transfer accurately onto the visor.
ALL DONE!!.....:thumbsup:

This Helmet will be a show piece, so no weathering will be applied...NICE AND CLEAN!!;)

I've grown attached to this Bucket, and I hate to see it go...:cry ..

If you can get your hands on one of these babies I would Highly recommend one.:thumbsup:
Makes me want to switch from Boba to Jango..:p (I can't believe I just said that.:lol: )

thanks for all the kind words folks...:thumbsup:

Enjoy the pics..






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