throwing out an idea


Active Hunter
I am having major trouble installing my Tvisor I have already ruined two different visors and I am down to my last one so I had an idea I wanted to run past every body how do you think it would look if I installed my visor using bolts through the front of the buckt (small ones of course) I think it would look pretty cool I think it would give it an industrial look to it.
Didn't someone try this on a Jango helmet a littke while back? If I remember correctly it didn't work out as well as planned. Spideyfett did something Kind of like it on his msh2 check out his thread.
good to know guys since this will be my next upgrade. Who or what is the best source for the visor? Is it cheaper to make my own? and does Lowes menards or home depot have the visor ... or is the one off ebay really the best???????
good to know guys since this will be my next upgrade. Who or what is the best source for the visor? Is it cheaper to make my own? and does Lowes menards or home depot have the visor ... or is the one off ebay really the best???????

Not sure about ROTJ Fett, but ESB is a dark green visor. The ebay one is a smoked black/gray.
I just used hotglue to hold mine in place.

It's strong enough to stay put, yet, if I ever need to remove it, i just heat up the glue and pry it off.

For added strength, get two part putty epoxy, make small squares of it, and place in around five spots around the visor to hold in place. (I haven't had to do this).
well after ruining my third visor I decided to go with my bolt tecnique it actually is turing out pretty cool as soon as I finish it tonight I will post a pic.
good to know guys since this will be my next upgrade. Who or what is the best source for the visor? Is it cheaper to make my own? and does Lowes menards or home depot have the visor ... or is the one off ebay really the best???????
I get mine at either runnings or Napa. Both places carry the correct green visor, at least in my neck of the woods. LMK if you can't find one, & I'll pick one up for you;)
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