thoughts on paint job for mandalorian combat suit

boba matt

New Hunter
hey everyone,
just got a small question for you.
i got a fett suit, and its almost redy, the person that made it is just finishing off the detailing for me at the moment. when i get it, and after the episode 3 premere, i was thinking about modifying the colour of the suit. i wanted to make my suit's primary colour completely black , with the certain parts a deep crimson red, like the lining of the visor, shoulder pads and certain other little bits, like on the jet pack like the nozzels. i am just wondering what everyones opinion on this is, and if it has been done before by any of you out there, could you be so kind as to post a pic so i could see what it looks like?
thanks guys, dont say anything too harsh or i will cry,lol
this sorta looks like what i want, it was in the list of smileys.
To be honest, I'd personally advise against red and black and/or silver, it seems like the most common custom colour scheme out there. Check here to see most of the custom mandalorian costumes:

Some of the ones I've seen are really nice, like Foxbatklr and Danakin's (see bottom), but I think they're becoming a bit overdone. But then again, it is your suit. You could always do something really different and creative with it. I know you didn't say you were using silver, but these two show some how creative you can get.


I agree. Red and black looks cool, but it is a bit over-done. Red and silver, too.

Earth-tones look good on Mandos. Browns, greens, greys, with maybe a little maroon and yellow.
C*E*N*O*B*Y*T*E said:
I agree. Red and black looks cool, but it is a bit over-done. Red and silver, too.

Earth-tones look good on Mandos. Browns, greens, greys, with maybe a little maroon and yellow.

Besides earth-colours are IMO more legit considering their line of work.. Red & silver tend to stick out of the natural environment and can attract the eye..

Sure it looks cool.. I agree.. but natrual?

but like i said.. that's just my opion and everyone is entitled to their own..

(We have a saying in sweden that "opnions are like ones ass.. divided")
Umm...White, Like McQuarrie Suggested Initially...geez. :p

Boba Swede said:
Besides earth-colours are IMO more legit considering their line of work.. Red & silver tend to stick out of the natural environment and can attract the eye..

Sure it looks cool.. I agree.. but natrual?

but like i said.. that's just my opion and everyone is entitled to their own..

(We have a saying in sweden that "opnions are like ones ass.. divided")
this is very funny.. before i even came to this site i was thinking on making a black red madalorian suit. now it seems my idea is not an original, and now you want to make the same armor...any way i like the whole red and black, but seeing these other people with a similar idea, i begin to wonder if mine would be considered unique or a copy of someone's elses idea. then again it is your decision i say go for it and just so you dont take my idea i edited a picture of jango to show you what my armor will look like

my pic


I wanted to do a Jaster Mereel color scheem with a little flair of my own, and thats pretty much it exactly
seems like people always do green for some strange reason

the only reason anyone should do red and black is to make a JASTER MEREEL costume
id say green at least makes sense, (though havnt seen many of them personally) as a green a camo colour, like fetts (bobas) main colours, makes more sense to me. just to have natural colours for a troop armour to blend in rather than brights, maybe just me though, but i always thought the customs should spend a bit more time thinking about thier armour before painting it,
why is it red and black? but then i still dont like jangos paint either, i would have rather seen a scheme like bobas, but clean no scratches or dents, and that becomes bobas, but then their wouldnt me different toys to make then would there,
thats just what i think though, and what ill be doing for my custom is naturals, stuff that would be camo colours, but ill save more info/pics till im done a bit more,
If you read the Jango Fett: Open Seasons comics, and look at the battle scenes when Jango and Jaster are leading the Mandalorian army, it looks as though green is actually the standard color of their uniforms. The only thing that changes among them, usually, is the trim color, such as the mandibles on the helmet.

Also, go to

As Remo Locke calls it, The Home For Customs. Check it out
Nekhar said:
If you read the Jango Fett: Open Seasons comics, and look at the battle scenes when Jango and Jaster are leading the Mandalorian army, it looks as though green is actually the standard color of their uniforms. The only thing that changes among them, usually, is the trim color, such as the mandibles on the helmet.

yup.. that and the capes that vertigo company has... and some even have square and other symbols painted across the chest.

(I'll see if i can't get a scan tomorrow to show what i mean.. )
I am already thinking of my next suit. I am thinking of doing a Desert Camo type mandalorian. I think that would be cool for here in AZ.
Furious said:
I am already thinking of my next suit. I am thinking of doing a Desert Camo type mandalorian. I think that would be cool for here in AZ.

ive already started on that same my chest armour painted already,
yup.. that and the capes that vertigo company has... and some even have square and other symbols painted across the chest.

You're right that there are very few capes outside of those in Vertigo company. I also like that those not wearing jet packs have sectional back armor, instead of a solid backplate. That's one of the features I plan on incorporating into my custom Mando once the project gets off the ground.

As for the chest symbols, I wondered about them for about two minutes before I realized that the only ones who have them on their armor are the three squad leaders: Jango has the circle, Jaster has the diamond, and Montross has the square.
I was going to scan the image where you can see the segmented back armor but for some reason i didn't.. maybe tomorrow if i remmember..
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