this is me (in black) and a Fett (501st)

WOW that is soooo cool. how did you weather it? did you dry brush silver or paint silver under black and mask or sand? Nice Mando. I always am lery about variants but that is sweet. Almost like well.... is almost half as good as this to be acceptable.
Originally, I was going to use black for my armors main colors but I decided on a grey and white color scheme as it's different from pretty much everyone elses thus far anyway. Hopefully it'll remain that way as I don't want some young, green, upstart like Jodo Kast to steal my persona...:lol: BTW, the armor looks great, very well done.

WOW that is soooo cool. how did you weather it? did you dry brush silver or paint silver under black and mask or sand? Nice Mando. I always am lery about variants but that is sweet. Almost like well.... is almost half as good as this to be acceptable.

thank you. The process was primer then the black. I did use a dry brush for the silver.
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