TDH Fan Club Table at C4 Approved-More donations needed!

A slot per day would be cool with me. I could even do more if you wanted, i know you dont reeealllllyyyy want to but im willing to.:cheers :thumbsup: Ooh deffinitly monday morning i want a chance to chill with Cruzer ftw!
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Well, I will put you down for 2 spots to start with. I really don't want to burn anyone out or kinda ruin their con with always having to be somewhere every day.
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Put me down for sunday 2-4, that should work for me. SpideyFett, post if you want the same time slot. :)
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Put me down for sunday 2-4, that should work for me. SpideyFett, post if you want the same time slot. :)

I was told by the wifey I couldn't do it on Sunday after all...:( ...It's our Anniversary.....:thumbsup:

**So Mirax put me and the Wifey down for Saturday from 2-4...:thumbsup:
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I take the second slot for sunday 2-4.

I would love to wear my Boba during that time but I´have the problem that the JP is too heavy for the flight from Germany to the US.

Is there any possibility for "rental" or borrowing a JP (ESB style) :confused ?

Save handling is guaranteed !

Thanks and see ya at C4 !
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I have no idea if anyone has a jet pack you can borrow, but I certainly see no reason why you can't wear your Boba suit without a jet pack.
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I take the second slot for sunday 2-4.

I would love to wear my Boba during that time but I´have the problem that the JP is too heavy for the flight from Germany to the US.

Is there any possibility for "rental" or borrowing a JP (ESB style) :confused ?

Save handling is guaranteed !

Thanks and see ya at C4 !

You in your ESB will work well, as I plan to wear my ROTJ.
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Mirax, I would be willing to volunteer Sat. 12-2pm, Sun, 4-6pm, and Mon 12-2pm. I can have my family (2 boys and wife) help out w/ me at any of these times.

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Thank you so far to everyone who has volunteered or offered donations. We greatly appreciate the response and outpouring of help from everyone!
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My sister is a graphic artist. She can do buisness cards and works for a company that does banners hand outs, stickers, etc.

Prices will greatly depend on complexity, quantity, and what you get. Just contact her via contact link on her page and she will get back to you with those details shortly.
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Wow, the outpour of support so far is AWESOME!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

The husband/wife teams going on are very cool!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Well I'll be coming on on the 24th in the late afternoon and staying on CA for a week after that.

That being said I'm willing to do a couple hours at the table and possibly also donate a few bucks around $50

I'll talk to my peeps and see which shifts would be best for me to do without interfering with their plans

Also, I have to agree with Brian about, they're top notch and get them out fast, and you don't even have to overnight them ;)
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This may be a silly Q but do I have to be part of the OSWFC in order to volunteer the table Thurs. Im debating on if i should become one or not.
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I really don't know if we can get passes for people that day so I would say yes, you should be a Star Wars Fan Club Member to sign up to work on Thursday.
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Hmm then maybe you should put me down for Saturday instead of Thursday. Just incase. Thanks Mirax
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While I don't know when I will be able to I will take at least one if not more shifts (I am waiting to see the 501st volunteer shifts before I commit to any real times) and I will also toss $100-$200 into the donation pool.
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