TDH Fan Club Table at C4 Approved-More donations needed!

Star Wars Chick

Sr Hunter
Hey everyone, we just got official word from Mary Franklin that we were approved for a free fan club table at C4. However, we were supposed to hear this by the end of January and it is almost the end of March. Needless to say, we are not sure that we can pull this off. That is basically where you, our members come in. It is pretty much up to you if we will be able to do this or not. What we are going to need are 2 things. First, volunteers. We need to have our table manned every hour that the hall is open- that is a LOT of time. We want to have 2 people on each shift and don't want folks working more than 2 hours at a time. If we can get this schedule definitively filled, that is one obstacle out of the way. The second is money. As you know, TDH does not have any kind of fund for something like this. And while we hate to ask for donations, there really is no other way for us to be able to fund this. We need to have a banner, stickers, business cards and a few other goodies that we would like to hand out. Not only do we need to find the money to have these produced in LARGE quantities, but we need to do so very very quickly in order to get everything designed and printed ASAP. So, we are asking for not only donations of your time, but also of your money. If we are not able to pull this together in a very quick amount of time, then we simply will not be able to have a fan table. We want this done professionally or not at all. So, as I said, it is entirely up to our members as to whether or not this is possible. I have made a schedule of what we are needing for volunteers. If you are willing to volunteer, let me know when and what times. If you are willing to donate $, please make a pledge in this thread or you can pm me. If it looks like we have enough donations and enough volunteers, then I will let you know where to send donations to- we will most likely set up a paypal account. I estimate that it is probably going to take us at least $2000 to try and to this properly. Thank you all and let's see if we can make this happen!

Donations may be made via paypal to: Please be sure to put C4 in the subject line. Thank you all so very much for helping make this possible!

Thursday, May 24 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Friday, May 25 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday, May 26 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Sunday, May 27 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Monday, May 28 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Thursday May 24th
1.Commander Voltaire
2.Goro (from Japan ;) )

2.Raider Babe


1.Commander Voltaire

Friday May 25th


1.Seeker, Got Maul

1.Katua Fett

1.Commander Voltaire
2.Jimmy BufFETT

2.Jimmy BufFETT

Saturday May 26th


2.Mrs. Spideyfett

1.Jimmy BufFETT

1.Commander Voltaire
2.Katua Fett

Sunday May 27th


2.Katua Fett

1.Jimmy BufFETT

2.Mrs. MandalorFett


Monday May 28th
2.Katua Fett

1.Cylrul Pbz
2.Commander Voltaire

2.Mrs. MandalorFett
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I wonder if we have members here who make banners, stickers, flyers, etc. for a know to help cut down on costs?

I'm a morning person (thanks to the military) so can I put in a request for the 10-12 p.m. slots on Sat., Sun., and Mon.:thumbsup:

I'll also volunteer to make a pair of Jango holsters that I'll sell here or ebay and donate all the proceeds to the cause.:thumbsup:

I really hope this opportunity doesn't pass us up,
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Sadly I can not go to C4 because there is only 3 of us at my job and the bad part is that all three are Star Wars fans, so only one can go, sadly its not me, but I would like to show my support, I would like to make a donation. So when the time is ready just send me a pm of where to send it. Thanks and good luck and have fun all!
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all this sounds great and hope everything works out for the best with such a minimal time to do it. unfortunatly, im a full time college student and single parent i am not able to donate any money. but, i am very willing to donate my time. but before i can pick times to man the table, i only have 1 question. will it be a requirment to be dressed up for both shifts or maybe during 1 shift in costume and another without. thanks
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No, it is not a requirement to dress in costume. While it would be great, we realize not everyone will want to or will have a costume. We will want everyone to wear a TDH shirt however and if you don't have one, we can certainly hook you up with Dustin Crops Boy who is the one that makes them.
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I wonder if we have members here who make banners, stickers, flyers, etc. for a know to help cut down on costs?

I work at a sign shop. I cannot attend C4, but I can make banners, vinyl decals, bumper stickers, etc...

If anyone has some ideas, pm me. I'll do what I can. Happy to help!

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I will not be able to go to C4 this year but since so many here at the dented helmet have helped me this past year ( and I may actually get into the 501st due to this help) in the form of advice and help with my costume I can give a little something pM me or let me know details when it comes time.
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I will be at C4 a day early to help construct the 501st booth, I may be able to help build the TDH booth too.
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C4 is still up in the air for me as soon as I find out I will be more than happy to volunteer at the booth.
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Im more than willing do make a donation. Im going to try and work out when i can go to C4 not sure if i can or not sadly (college is great.........not) but deffinitly count me as a donator.
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I will volunteer at the table, too. Times will follow, I have the check my time-table.

Where can I sent the donation ?

Great to have a table at C4 !
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I can't got to C4, but I will donate $ and/or make a belt or 2 to auction or whatever.
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I will be coming in thursday afternoon, put me down for thursday evening shift 6:00pm to 8:00pm, and also 6:00pm to 7:00pm saturday evening shift. Paypal trigger finger on stand-by!
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I would like to request a spot with Cruzer on Sunday for 10-12. It's the least I can do. I'm looking forward to being part of this.
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So i was thinking if i can pull off going to C4 and i decided screw it Ill just go how could i miss this opportunity. So Im going to officially volunteer for anytime you want me to for Thurs Fri Sat Sun. Im really bad at making time decisions so where ever im needed ill be there.

Thurs Fri Sat Sun :cheers
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I can't make it either. However, since I too have had help from the great folks here on TDH, I would me more than happy to send a small doantion to the cause.

Could someone please send the donation info? Thanks :)
Be sure to take LOTS of pics!!
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