stuff from

I was thinking of buying my new jango suit from him, but he told me on wed evening (3/2) that 'today' was the last day to order to get it prior to C3 because the order was going in at the end of the week. So i emailed him right back since it was 9pm EST asking him if 'today' meant 3/2 or did it mean 3/3 if it was already the next day there..... You know the international date line and stuff. Because i didnt want to just place an order and pay and then find out my new suit would be here 2 weeks after C3 because the last day was "yesterday". Since then the emails have stopped from him. He should have known this was a bit of a time sensitive email/subject and i had replied right away after his initial reply... I guess I wont be doing business there after all.

Just poor communications if you ask me, not a good way to make people feel safe sending money half way around the world
AND THAT.....Seals the deal that I wont be ordering it from SFP even if i do get an email and he says i will get it before C3.....NOOOOOO WAY

I already dropped RA an email yesterday.....hopefully he can do it prior to C3....might be too close already.....

Hmmm, glad I spotted this thread. I was giving serious consideration to ordering Jango's holster/utility belt from them. Even IF starfortressproductions has no other connection to TPP (and I would be inclined, without further proof, to give them the benifit of doubt), it would seem that there is a chance that what you order isn't quite what you get! That orders may not be complete and/or that it may take some time for the order to arrive!
Whilst I am sure that lots of people have brought things from them with no problems, the way my luck works I won't be one of them! :facepalm
From what i have heard bobamaker is a very good quality reliable source. I have not dealt with him but i have read that in other posts...

SFP is a little hit and miss it seems. I know some have been happy and some not. Some are waiting VERY long times for their items.
Bactab0y said:
Has anyone bought anything from bobamaker? I was umming and arring who do get my flightsuit from him or SFP.

I'd say go with Bobamaker. I purchased a T-visor and Decals from him and they're better than perfect, HIGHLY recommended. I will be purchasing more parts from him in the near furure.
I really have enjoyed my dealings with Anton. I even negotiated a deal where I would get the soft-parts set minus the cape and braids and recieved the belts in their place for $300 flat. Nice guy. Also, I saved on shipping b/c I bought a few more things together.

If my time in World of Warcraft taught me anything it is that people are always willing to negotiate their prices.

I have set up the bulk order for the fett jumpsuits with him. In all my dealings with Anton I think he is totally a stand-up guy. I delt with the old Prop Palace and hated dealing with them. Their products were good quality but it was a nightmare getting them. SFP seems to have fixed that problem. It didn't take them that long to make 20 some odd jumpsuits either.
Hmm, that is a delicate subject. I personally would not plan events around estimated delivery times on products.

I concur with OPPI...
SFP is a little hit and miss it seems. I know some have been happy and some not. Some are waiting VERY long times for their items.

If planning for Halloween 2005, be sure to have a delivery date by August and a Plan "B" in place.
Scheuer, is that how he spells his original name? I am not sure. Was Scheuer UA? If so...then yes...anyone heard of this fellow? If he is...then the dance with the Devil has happened and how terribly sad for those who do not know the truth.
ok, I purchased a TIE Fighter Jacket from SFP. It has good quality and the right size, but took forever to be delivered, almost 4 months. I was going to purchase the soft parts kit from them but then I looked at several alternatives and ordered softparts from skygunbros. I got the entire shipment today, less than 3 weeks from when I ordered it. Fit, colors, and quality are all good. And if you email them for a price on full set they will prob. give you a discount. I have been to TK409's site and his stuff looks top notch too. I prob. would have ordered from him if I wasn't getting a full set of soft parts(he doesn't have some softparts for sale).
ok... now I'm getting nervous. I ordered from SFP in febuary and the last time I talked to anton (may 8th), he said that he would be getting the vest anyday and he would send everything once it was in his posession. Yay! Now it's been a long couple weeks and I have written numerous emails asking how long it takes to ship from there to here. No responces.

I really want my items before the premier. No, I NEED them...

I really got my hopes up high for this project. Spent well over $900 on all the parts and materials. Only to be cut short at the end because some guy isn't connecting with me...

sorry for the spelling errors... I'm a little miffed at the moment
I told myself that I will allow myself a week before I start freaking out about this situation... it has been that long without even a responce from Anton... *sigh*

For those out there who are spiritual, I would like your prayers. Thank you.
I'm not exactly thrilled with their customer service. I just bought one of their flightsuits, waited three months & it doesn't fit & is not the color I asked for. I sent an email to Anton politely asking if the suit could get exchanged & I have not heard anything back.:facepalm

Buyer beware!
One of the other members here received a suit from him in the bulk run. It was NOT THE RIGHT SIZE AT ALL. When he wrote Anton to find out about getting a replacement, Anton suggested that he sell the wrong jumpsuit and use the money that he gets to get send back out to SFP and get the correct one. That does not sound like customer service to me.
Prymer13 said:
One of the other members here received a suit from him in the bulk run. It was NOT THE RIGHT SIZE AT ALL. When he wrote Anton to find out about getting a replacement, Anton suggested that he sell the wrong jumpsuit and use the money that he gets to get send back out to SFP and get the correct one. That does not sound like customer service to me.

That would be me.
I did sell it, & ordered a new one.
It also didn't fit.
Back in the same boat.
This time anton actually admitted that they messed up, & they would "work out the shipping" to get that one fixed.
What does that mean?
I emailed him back to find out, haven't heard anything yet.
I'm not surprised.
There seems to be alot of stuff from SFP.. or atleast imgaes used by SFP on ebay nowadays.. someone called "genghisthom" seems to be handling alot of the stuff..

anyone know the history of this guy? is it another alias for SFP or is he just using their images with out permition?
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