Studio Scale 15” Jet Pack Patterns


Well-Known Hunter
Studio Scale 15” Jetpack Patterns

I have finally posted the studio scale 15” wide jet pack Beta Version patterns, they are still a bit rough. I haven’t yet had the chance to cut and paste this baby together and I don’t know when I’ll get the chance in the next couple of months, but I didn’t want to just sit on them so here they are.

If anyone gives them a try, let me know and I’ll help work out any issues that might pop up.

Well I have finally converted the files to standard 8.5 X 11, it took 56 pages to capture it all. This is a PDF file that will print out full size, there are a few sheets in the begining that show how to pieces together the puzzle. One area that might cause some confussion are the panels that cover the side tanks. The covers needed two pages, but only a small section is on the second page. I will try to post a pic showing how the two sheets fit together.



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This is amazing work here! Excellent job wizardofflight and thanks for making these awesome patterns available. Now I know nothing about the process but how difficult would it be for one to get these pieces computer cut out of sintra? Any idea on what kind of company might offer such services?
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Thank you for the compliment! I was beginning to wonder if anyone was interested, 110 views and only one comment had me worried.

Cutting the patterns via CNC should be easy enough to do. Someone has already CNCd the armor from CAD drawings. It would require the drawings to be convert to CNC code. Unfortunately I don't know anything about how to convert them, but I would be willing to supply the AutoCAD drawing files if someone would like to try.

The only thing is that I would want to do a test run by hand first to work out any issues with the patterns plus the material thickness would have to be worked into the drawings. Right know the patterns don’t account for any material thickness so there will be some fit interference, but that is somewhat of a variable as it depends upon what material the builder chooses to use.

Also, I still need to do an assembly guide to show how all the piece might fit together. But if someone would like to try please let me know.

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It was pointed out that I forgot the upper and lower tank caps, so I have updated the zip file above to include those parts.

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FANTASTIC! :thumbsup:

I'll definitly use them for my Jet Pack project!

You're the master Alan! :thumbsup:
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Thanks guys! I hope folks find them helpful. Just need to find a way to make them easy to print on standard paper.

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this is amazing, i have ben scrounging for decent templates

i am definately going to be using this to build mine

thank you

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Thanks, I have noticed a rash of jet pack scratch builds lately so it looks like they are being put to good use. I nearly have Jango's arena JP templates ready, not too much different, but they are coming soon.

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Sweet! i'm really amazed at your work man. i cant seem to figure out how your doing this.
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SEEKER said:
Sweet! i'm really amazed at your work man. i cant seem to figure out how your doing this.

Well I couldn’t have accomplished anything without all of the great pictures and research that is available on the Dent, such as the Boba and Jango reference CD’s, Brak’s Buddy’s online photo archive. Plus folks like you that have put your heart and soul in to your entire suit are a great inspiration as well as setting the standard, which everyone is striving for.

I have spent a lot of time studying the pics and searching the forums for any information that might be useful. Have been a draftsman for most of my life allows me to reverse engineer and distill the information down into drawings and templates. I only wish that I had found this place a few years ago, I still have a lot of catching up too do.

One question I get asked a lot is “why are you just giving it away?” The thing is that I would be doing the drawings anyway and having the Dent to post them on allows me to get feedback that helps make the drawings even better. Plus it is great to watch folks use the drawings to create their own equipment. Besides with the Lucas Lurkers watching out there I have no desire to get a C&D order requiring me to hand over all of my hard work in order to make a few bucks.

This is one of the best forums that I visit, there is little or no fighting and everyone is eager to help and share information. Can’t ask for more than that.

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wizardofflight said:
Well I couldn’t have accomplished anything without all of the great pictures and research that is available on the Dent, such as the Boba and Jango reference CD’s, Brak’s Buddy’s online photo archive. Plus folks like you that have put your heart and soul in to your entire suit are a great inspiration as well as setting the standard, which everyone is striving for.

I have spent a lot of time studying the pics and searching the forums for any information that might be useful. Have been a draftsman for most of my life allows me to reverse engineer and distill the information down into drawings and templates. I only wish that I had found this place a few years ago, I still have a lot of catching up too do.

One question I get asked a lot is “why are you just giving it away?” The thing is that I would be doing the drawings anyway and having the Dent to post them on allows me to get feedback that helps make the drawings even better. Plus it is great to watch folks use the drawings to create their own equipment. Besides with the Lucas Lurkers watching out there I have no desire to get a C&D order requiring me to hand over all of my hard work in order to make a few bucks.

This is one of the best forums that I visit, there is little or no fighting and everyone is eager to help and share information. Can’t ask for more than that.


buddy, its people like you that really set the bar high at our place. I remember the same thing went with Ghostbusters collecting, for years people would argue and hide measurements until one day a lone stranger with some darn good cad skills came around and just GAVE it to us...then disappeared. Since then and its been about 5 years now, Otto is still mentioned and he's still the benchmark in terms of measurements and proportion.

One small action can echoe for a long time.

Thank you for all your work, I for one LOVE your gauntlets work.
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