New Hunter
I ran across this site the other day and am amazed. I love making costumes and props but have such trouble finding good information about specifics and materials. I was wondering if some one would take a few minutes and explain a coulpe things. First, if I wanted to make a prop gun, how would I go about doing it. I have a little skill in casting with laytex, but byond that im lost. I would like to know what would be a good material to do make the gun out of, something thats strong, but not brittle and such. How would I go about casting something like that? Any information on this would be very appreciated. Lastly, if materials are named, where could purchases them, and whats good to look for ( as i said above, I know nothing about plastics, resins, silicon, and fiberglass (but i wanna learn)). (Direct links would be kind of nice to, because I dont know exactilly what im looking at ) Thanks for all your help.
I ran across this site the other day and am amazed. I love making costumes and props but have such trouble finding good information about specifics and materials. I was wondering if some one would take a few minutes and explain a coulpe things. First, if I wanted to make a prop gun, how would I go about doing it. I have a little skill in casting with laytex, but byond that im lost. I would like to know what would be a good material to do make the gun out of, something thats strong, but not brittle and such. How would I go about casting something like that? Any information on this would be very appreciated. Lastly, if materials are named, where could purchases them, and whats good to look for ( as i said above, I know nothing about plastics, resins, silicon, and fiberglass (but i wanna learn)). (Direct links would be kind of nice to, because I dont know exactilly what im looking at ) Thanks for all your help.