I took a 320 sanding sponge (walmart paint section) and sanded all surfaces. I primed it with regular Krylon Grey primer (sandable) and hit it again with the sponge. You'll be amazed how smooth it turns out. It will also help you pick up any blemishes that you can otherwise not see in its rough state. I filled in the few spots right over the primer with the bondo glaze as someone explained before that its basically thick paint and hit it quick with a fine sanding sponge (think 150) to get the bulk of then polished it off with the 320. Its worked really well for me. I had bought some aircraft Grey (Testors) spray but found a Testors black pearl that I think I'm going to go with. Unfortunately its gotten cold again and I wont be painting again for a week. I'll post a pick when I get it down.