Soft part weathering?

It was mentioneed, which i agree, that some of the soft fabric parts need a little (or more than a little!) weathering... What options do I have to do this?
The majority of the weathering I do, is with an airbrush. I mist greys, blacks, and browns on almost all of my soft parts. I've also used a spray bottle with black dye do some weathering, but you get much better control with an airbrush.
i do most of mine with either rattlecans or airbrush.

greys and blacks i usually use the rattlecans, browns the airbrush. mostly because the variety of brown spraycans is less than exciting.
I weathered my entire suit with an airbrush, even the softparts. I used acrylic airbrush paint and thinned it so where I could get a lot out of it and went to work. The end result was great.
Thanks... I'll be using the rattlecan method (as I don't have an airbrush)... Thought about the brown and blacks but didn't think about the grey..
Your signatiure says you're a TD. Did you use Fuller's Earth to weather your TK armor? I used the Fuller's Earth to weather my soft parts, and it actually worked out really well.
Remember if you use rattle cans to spray from several feet away to mist so you don't get those nasty unwanted glops of black on the suit.
Your signatiure says you're a TD. Did you use Fuller's Earth to weather your TK armor? I used the Fuller's Earth to weather my soft parts, and it actually worked out really well.

I used dry brushing the armor - didn't use Fullers Earth (but had thought about it/wanted to...)

...and I heard about the distance thing on the paint - always good to hear it again though to make sure it stays in my thick skull...:lol:
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