It was mentioneed, which i agree, that some of the soft fabric parts need a little (or more than a little!) weathering... What options do I have to do this?
The majority of the weathering I do, is with an airbrush. I mist greys, blacks, and browns on almost all of my soft parts. I've also used a spray bottle with black dye do some weathering, but you get much better control with an airbrush.
I weathered my entire suit with an airbrush, even the softparts. I used acrylic airbrush paint and thinned it so where I could get a lot out of it and went to work. The end result was great.
Your signatiure says you're a TD. Did you use Fuller's Earth to weather your TK armor? I used the Fuller's Earth to weather my soft parts, and it actually worked out really well.
Your signatiure says you're a TD. Did you use Fuller's Earth to weather your TK armor? I used the Fuller's Earth to weather my soft parts, and it actually worked out really well.