...slavefive Jango Fett ***UPDATE***


Active Hunter
...I decided to show more pics of my Jango Fett in progress...I cannot be outdone by Cruzer :lol:

...basically all of the armor is by JD except for the abplate...I was able to get a silicone mold made of my sculpt and this is the 2nd pull from it...someone else was running around the shop and lifted the 1st one ;) I wanted to take pictures with mine for comparisons sake...

...I may opt to replace the chest pieces also with newly scuplted versions that I did...the templates I used are a tad bigger then the currently pictured chest pieces...









...thanks guys :)

...its actually Rub-n-Buff...

...I like the results however I am not too thrilled about it 'rubbing' off...perhaps some of the more seasoned people can chime in about this...I am looking for some sort of sealer to prevent this from happening w/out dulling the finish too much...unless I am doing something seriously wrong :lol:

Take care
Lewis :)
Bro all I can say to sum up my opinion so far is just prodigious awe. :love :love :love

I know your still working out the kinks and there is still a lot of footwork left to go at John's and at home but wow, I'm just so proud to see this project of yours coming along so well for ya. :thumbsup:

GQ will be rolling Jango style in no time. :cheers

Take care bro!

Casus Belli said:
Nice rug bro!! 8) :lol:

...doh! :eek:

...did you see the top of my head in that pic??? :lol:

Boba Fett
Jango Fett
Bubba Fett
Power Ranger
Mario Lopez
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OHhhh wow, mannnn that is a nice rug:lol: .

Alright dude your freakin armor rocks. And don't worry about the rub n buff. It hardens as it ages.

God I'm jealous as he....
Can not wait to see the finished product. Did you apply the "Seekers" method for the Rub-n-buff? Either way the Armor looks real good.

The Sniffer
...LoL!!! Cruzer...

...seriously I dont think I have 1/10th the prop talent you got going on...my next step is to simple take the original from FIDM....shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...did I say that out loud???

Lewis :lol:
I never sealed my rub n buff finish. If you rub hard and fast enough the friction will seal the wax in. I've never had problems. I used rub n buff for everything from the helmet to all the armor to every part of the gauntlets. Even my Reinone boots have rub n buff on the sides of the soles.
Man..., now I gotta go spend some $120+ on some braided leather bolo cause I can't have you showing me up on the leather girth as well.
Cruzer said:
Man..., now I gotta go spend some $120+ on some braided leather bolo cause I can't have you showing me up on the leather girth as well.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

cha rite!!!...I can see it now...cruzer at home braiding his own bolo cord..sheeesh where will it end??? ;)

Talk at you soon bro...
Vode An - Brothers All
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