Sintra armor step by step(UPDATE1/16)

phantom viper

Active Hunter
I received my sintra today from and started working on my custom armor. Here is my progress.

First I went to and bought two 24"x48" .120" Thick sheets of sintra also known as Expanded High Density Rigid Polyvinyl PVC. Click here to get some.
Notice the nice dent that UPS put in the box
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I glued the template on the sintra with a glue stick
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Then traced it with a box cuter
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I traced it about three times before it would brake off clean. Then i cleaned off the template.
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Then to form it I used the boiling water technique. It works vary well. You only have to leave it in the water a vary short time to get it pliable if the water is at the boiling point.
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and here are the two chest pieces finished.
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More to come:D
I have finished the chest armor. Now i have to make the shin and Thigh armor. I have to say i love sintra. Its great to work with:D
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I have now finished the shin armor.
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To get the raise in the middle I cut a piece of sintra in a fin like shape. Then I laid it on the shin template and once it looked lined up in the middle I traced the piece so I would know just where to place it when gluing. In order to get it strait I glued it on before I shaped it. I found out doing it after shaping just does not work well. So now I have a messed up shin prototype lying around. Always buy enough sintra in case you make a mistake:D
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Well, I am finished with the planed pieces. Here they are. what do you think? I am vary happy with the results:D:D
Now i am going to try making the groin and knees.

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I have finished cutting and forming the hand armor.

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So this is a custom mandalore I take it. What was your inspiration for going oval in the diamond area on the chest? What is the story on the hand armor?

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Well, I wanted the armor custom so I just started to brain storm on my computers photo software. While I was think it came to me what would a round or oval shape look like so I made the template and it looked interesting so I stuck with it. Same goes for the hand armor. The spikes an idea inspired by Boush in ROTJ. Her hand has about 8 of the same spikes and I think it looks good.

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Well, I have now made a back plate. It was a b#@$% to form. My hand is still hurting from doing it. Any ways I decided to attach the neck and back armor together like Boba's so I used snaps so I can attach and detach as I wish. The only problem with using the snaps is that there is a little bit of a raise between the neck and back were it attaches. It is not that bad so I am not worrying about it. I think it came out pretty good. Despite all the mods I had to do to the template design to make it look and fit nice. I used keyboard keys for the bolts on the neck piece.:D
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Thanks guys:D

I boiled some water in the biggest pot I have. I was able to get the back plate in just enough in certain areas to get it pliable. Once it was I used my thumb to curve it in. After that was done I had to curve it to fit my back. Well, at first I thought that it obviously is not going to fit in the pot so I got the idea to fill the bath tub with boiling water. Sounded like a good idea at the time but when I put the water in it would cool to much so it was not hot enough to make the sintra pliable. So I just figured I would wait until I could get my hands on a heat gun to form it to my back. So I went back to try and perfect what I have already done and I found out that I could bend it just enough in the middle to get it in the pot and heat it. My thumb is still sore from doing it. But it was worth it.:D
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