phantom viper
Active Hunter
I received my sintra today from and started working on my custom armor. Here is my progress.
First I went to and bought two 24"x48" .120" Thick sheets of sintra also known as Expanded High Density Rigid Polyvinyl PVC. Click here to get some.
Notice the nice dent that UPS put in the box
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I glued the template on the sintra with a glue stick
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Then traced it with a box cuter
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I traced it about three times before it would brake off clean. Then i cleaned off the template.
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Then to form it I used the boiling water technique. It works vary well. You only have to leave it in the water a vary short time to get it pliable if the water is at the boiling point.
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and here are the two chest pieces finished.
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More to come
First I went to and bought two 24"x48" .120" Thick sheets of sintra also known as Expanded High Density Rigid Polyvinyl PVC. Click here to get some.
Notice the nice dent that UPS put in the box
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I glued the template on the sintra with a glue stick
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Then traced it with a box cuter
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I traced it about three times before it would brake off clean. Then i cleaned off the template.
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Then to form it I used the boiling water technique. It works vary well. You only have to leave it in the water a vary short time to get it pliable if the water is at the boiling point.
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and here are the two chest pieces finished.
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More to come