Silly Question?


We contacted Dustin Crops Boy, but he could not find the disk, so we downloaded a program to take snapshots of a movie, to get the best we could.

Good luck

Thanks for the offer Julie

If DCB is happy, we would definitely like one. Paying for cost of CD and postage to Australia of course.


Kraig & Wendy
DCB says it's okay, so, I guess I'm the new supplier for his CDs. I'll find out how much it costs to mail a CD to Australia and get back to you.

The post office says to Australia:
Global Express Mail™ (EMS) 3 - 5 Days $24.00
Global Priority Mail - Variable Weight (Single) 4 - 6 Days $11.50
Airmail Parcel Post 4 - 10 Days $16.00
Economy (Surface) Parcel Post
(Rate for pieces 5 pounds or less) 4 - 6 Weeks $22.75

So, looks like $11.50 US shipping plus... $2.50 for CD and packaging? Is that fair?


Thanks so much, the CD arrived today. Lots of helpful pics, thanks also to DCB for allowing Julie to do this for us.

Cheers :cheers

Thanks again

Kraig & Wendy
No problem! Glad to hear it got there okay... I was a little worried about that CD box.

Hope it helps you get together a great Zam!

Hehehe, I think it could've survived a nuclear blast, it was that well packed:lol:

But seriously, thanks, it was very nice of you:)


Kraig & Wendy
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