let me chime in.....slave1piolt has a valid point in which Russ has never owned up too...
Don't LIE
This has never been about your product...or if we will receive it...IT"S ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT YOUR VAGUE COMMUNICATION, AND WHEN YOU DID IT WAS "NEXT WEEK" WHICH WAS ALWAYS A LIE TO BUY YOU MORE TIME...I don't get it!!! Just be up front from the beginning and tell the people you took money from a time frame you will get the products out...Example.
"Hey guys I'm running behind with producing this prop. Its going to be about a month or two before I can get them out. If you want a refund I will understand and return your money ASAP. If you can wait I would really appreciate your patience. Thank You"
I would not have done this...
If would have told me something like that I would have had no problem with the delay (even if it was 5 1/2 months to get my missile) and would not keep PM'ing you. Slave1pilot is right...We respect your time and energy making props for the community and know Prop makers have lives to live and other project they are working on. Most of TDH is aware. With that being said Russ , just be a man about your lying about shipping and giving false dates.
REFUND: Your lying continues with your last comment about refunds. I ask on numerous occasions for a refund and you kept ignoring me. I have PM's and emails to prove it. And users on other forums say the same thing about you. Its not hard to come to a conclusion that your business practice is sour.
I have bought from a lot of prop makers here. Its a 2 way street. Pay money upfront, wait for communication from prop maker on thread (so you don't have to keep Pm'ing them because they are busy making props), prop maker gives a status on shipping, buyers get their products. Simple...
Nothing personal against you Russ at all...I think your products are top notch and I'm very satisfied with my products. But just because you make a great product, doesn't mean you can leave your customers in the dark and lie to them. BE HONEST AND TRUTHFUL IN YOUR THREADS AND PM's.....if you did you would not have these comments on TDH and