shin tool pictures

Citizen Snips

Active Hunter
hi guys,

I was thinking about getting a set of shin tools from starfortress productions, does any one have any pictures of a set? Or at the very least does anyone know off an alternative for machined aluminum shin tools? Any help would be appreciated. :cheers
hi guys,

I was thinking about getting a set of shin tools from starfortress productions, does any one have any pictures of a set? Or at the very least does anyone know off an alternative for machined aluminum shin tools? Any help would be appreciated. :cheers

I honestly wouldn't order anything from SF because you may never receive it.
DANGER WILL ROBINSON! DANGER!!!:thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

98% of StarFortresses stuff is, well yeah, you know! Their claim to fame is pretty much a decent flightsuit and beyond that, not much.

Ok! now with that said, you've been warned that the bridge is out up ahead, if you want to keep running in that direction, it's your choice!

This is just my two cents, but I would stear away from going with metal shin tools as it will tend to pull and weigh down the bottom on your jump suit.:facepalm
Good to know, I really wasn't even considering that. I guess its resin all the way.:cheers

Just do a google search for Bobamaker and check out his website. He offers shin tools that come to you primed and ready to paint, and if you are willing to anty up the dough he will paint them for you.
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