Shin tool Paterson squeegee


Active Hunter
I jsut got a Paterson Squeegee shin tool from ebay for $8.00. First off, is that even a good deal? Second, I will be working on it and doing progress reports following Brak's tutorial. I know this has been done ovre 100 times already, but now it will be 101;) . I will update with pictures as soon as I get the squeegee. Cheers.

As for the paterson stirrer, I am going to try to find one at my highschool lab and "borrow" it.
Gonzo Fett said:

Yes, that was the auction I won.

slave1pilot said:
Good deal.
Mine cost 10 bucks
[URL=" name=STRK%3AMEWN%3AIT&rd=1[/URL]

But do you have the "correct" slave1pilot spatula?

You got a REAL good deal also. I would like to buy the spatula though. What brand is it?
yeah, i'd rather bide the time and scrounge ebay. not worth paying $32+ shipping for something that is going to be cut up anyway.

**EDIT** DISCLAIMER- I apologize about pictures 1-3, I could not resize them, I tried and tried and couldn't...sorry.

Okay, I recieved my squeegee in the mail yesterday, and I started to transform it in to the Sonic Beam Weapon tool. I would like to thank brak's buddy, I am using his tutorial, and it is VERY good. I am not really far at all, but it's a start. And I am posting pics.

Pic-1- This is the way the squeegee came out of the box.

Pic-2- It's a little different from Brak's...Brak's doesn't have the "Paterson" logo on it, like mine did.

Pic-3- I started by removing the rubber grips from the squeegee.

Pic-4- I removed the small metal piece inbetween the inner-upper portion of the squeegee with a small screw driver and a small hammer. I then proceeded to take that part off and pull out the springs.

Pic-5- The upper-inner part of the squeegee is removed.

Pic-6- I am left with these parts. I intend to keep the rubber part and everything, incase I make a custom lightsaber sometime later in life.

Pic-7- and -8- Now this part bothers me. Is the squeegee supposed to be squeezed together like Pic-7? Or is it supposed to just be at ease like in Pic-8? It's hard to tell the difference, but I've seen people do both ways.



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I believe that the pics that we see where the squeegee is 'squeezed' is because it had been shoved into the wrong pocket. There are four pockets on the jumpsuit (two panels with stitching down the middle). One set of pockets are the same size, with symmetrical stitching running straight down the middle of the panel (call them pockets A & B). The other panel's stitching is slightly off-center, creating a thinner pocket (C) and a wider pocket (D). This wider pocket, in my opinion, is the pocket for the squeegee.

It has always been my belief that some of the exhibit models have been set up with the squeegee in one of the other pockets (A or B of the other leg), causing the squeegee to 'squeeze together'.

I don't have pictures to back that up, but this is my opinion. For my last two shin tool sets, I glued the squeegee straight, and remembered to always put it in the biggest pocket. :)

I hope that helps.
batninja said:
I believe that the pics that we see where the squeegee is 'squeezed' is because it had been shoved into the wrong pocket. There are four pockets on the jumpsuit (two panels with stitching down the middle). One set of pockets are the same size, with symmetrical stitching running straight down the middle of the panel (call them pockets A & B). The other panel's stitching is slightly off-center, creating a thinner pocket (C) and a wider pocket (D). This wider pocket, in my opinion, is the pocket for the squeegee.

It has always been my belief that some of the exhibit models have been set up with the squeegee in one of the other pockets (A or B of the other leg), causing the squeegee to 'squeeze together'.

I don't have pictures to back that up, but this is my opinion. For my last two shin tool sets, I glued the squeegee straight, and remembered to always put it in the biggest pocket. :)

I hope that helps.

I was wondering the same thing! Thanks for the info Batninja! :)
Does Fett's actually only have 3 (fingerparts)? Does he really have one of the fingers cut off? Or is it just speculated because it is hidden in the shin pocket?
I'm not sure what the exact tools look like, because I believe many of the props seen in the Visual Dictionary were 'made up' specifically for that publication (the inside of the trooper helmet, the lightsaber innards, etc).

If indeed the shin tools in the Dictionary are the actual prop pieces, who cares? Like you mentioned, the majority of the pieces are hidden behind the pocket. And how many people actually ask to see your shin tools at an event?

I guess I'll use a rubberband to pinch it. And Jango Fett Jr, thanks for the answer. This is a LITTLE off subject, but what do people use for the rods on te anti security blade? I am really curios.
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