Well-Known Hunter
I know how sensitive a subject this is, but I had to share this experience with you all. I am currently working on a paint job for a friend of mine who had acquired a fiberglass Fett Bucket. While cutting out the T-visor and doing other prep work I noticed something extremely 'funny' in the gel coat. I asked my friend where he got the helmet and he got kind of vague. Well, I told him that it had been a Marrow_Sun Enigma in a past life (sorry Jordy). He asked me how I knew this. I told him that I had a Marrow_Sun before and I would recognize the craftsmanship anywhere. The shameless part is that the fellow who recast this helmet didn't even bother to sand down the previous paint job that was on the bucket before he cast it. It had obviously been painted in an Empire paint scheme because all of the Signature dings and scratches where molded onto the gelcoat!!??? :confused