SGB i need to dye it?


Well-Known Hunter
Not sure if i need to dye it with blue? if so what is the exact name of dye..

and does anyone have a tutorial. i've been searching but all i see is alot of ROTJ:angry

the rotj is a light silver/grey and the esb suits are slightly darker and do have slight bluish hue to them in certain light conditions...but if you want a more dramatic blue I would say add some dye to it.RIT works the best for me not sure which color youd want though.
However, since the ESB SGB suit is already gray, you wont need to get pearl gray really. Just use 1/4 of the packet of Royal Blue dye for a good shade. That's what I did.
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thx for the input guys...:thumbsup:

I just got the suit last month, so if SGB could tell me if dye is needed or not that would be great.

To me it looks grey, w/no hint of blue.
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