sewin the jumpsuit

kwik sew? assoonas i opened the packet i knew i was in way over my head !:lol: dont make many credits as a security guard and been visiting this board for almost 10 yrs all i have is the helmet and armor cut...and that was the easy part! bought enough twill to do one rotj + 1esb @2.00 yd + some duck for the shoes..can anyone give me a walkthru on what to do in what order? (to prep the suit) do i start cutting? do i just sew the front, make this breakaway bobagets too hot out ....breakaway! {more cowbell}:lol:
Wow, I wish I had the skill and the courage to tackle that, I sure these guys on TDH will help you out. Good luck my friend. I would like to see your progress pics.:thumbsup:
The first thing you want to do is wash your fabric so it does not shrink on you-that would be a bad thing lol

Then you can cut or dye don't know which is best to do...

Then in the packet there should be directions on what order you are expose to sew. I have not done this pattern yet so I don't have any tips on what to do first sorry on that.

I personally would start on the front since zippers tend to be a b#### sorry but they are. If you have a sewing machine there is a special foot for the needle for when you sew that on. After you have the front all done attach the back and sleeves that’s my best guess on what the easiest way to do it with out seeing the directions.

If all else fails follow the directions and if you don’t understand what they are asking to do just ask I know I should be able to understand the lingo.

Oh and it may not be such a bad idea to take a sewing class or ask a friend who knows how to sew show you a few starter stitches. Oh and before you start sewing I required practicing on going strait using paper you don’t want to sew the fabric all crocked so practice a little if you never sewed before.
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