Seeker's 2005 updates.


Well-Known Hunter
Just wanted to show my yearly updates. Every year since 2002 I've been posting these. So a year has passed. I figured i posted the updates. Let me know if you guys get sick of this. :D

In 2005's picture I have these new things.

1. New helmet.
2. New stubby jet pack colors.
3. New jumpsuit.
4. New ammo belt.
5. New codpiece.
6. New boots.
7. new shoe armor.

I can't imagine your jango getting any better. But I am sure you will find some more modifications to do :)
Those progressive pics are awesome. I think you should keep it doing it each year...sort of a TDH tradition :thumbsup:
thanks guys. I'm trying. maybe this year will be the last of the updates. It's time to move on the new things. Clonetrooper armor, ESB Fett, Republic Commando. etc....

But not soon. I need to save money for a house and a wedding before July 8th. After that, the basement will be all to my self. :thumbsup:
Gonzo Fett said:
awesome! I'm buying drinks one night for anyone that is a TDH member so make sure you go!

...dang that can get pricey with this crew...we were all sponges in a former life :lol:

...actually I am a cheap or two drinks and I am done :cheers

...and crazy in the cabasa bro...why did you post a pic of the FIDM Jango for your 2005 pic???...shame shame ;)


PS clonetrooper huh ;)
Thats some crazy stuff Turo, you have to look hard to see the changes in the pics. It looks like youve got a new jumpsuit each year.

Keep goin man and I think George may trade you because yours will be in better shape than the real deal.
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