sculpting a helmet


asked this question a while ago & got jumped .........i've just recently bought 2 mystery helmets....both are different by do they make them.....are they sculpted out of clay??????......then do they make casts of them.......i want to know if this is the case i thought a mystery helmet was made from the screen seems to me that there are different versions......i just want to know if they are made from clay...??????????....& no i'm not a caster.......just dont bother giving me crap....
asked this question a while ago & got jumped .........i've just recently bought 2 mystery helmets....both are different by do they make them.....are they sculpted out of clay??????......then do they make casts of them.......i want to know if this is the case i thought a mystery helmet was made from the screen seems to me that there are different versions......i just want to know if they are made from clay...??????????....& no i'm not a caster.......just dont bother giving me crap....

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