Scratchbuilt cod


Well-Known Hunter
My scratchbuilt cod is coming better than I expected so I decided to post progress pic. Constructed by 2 pieces of sintra and a bunch of fiberglass filler-


Wow, been awhile but made some more progress. Sanded out the bondo, built in some greeblies, and constructed a dent-

Now, apply some primer-
Thanks for the support guys. As you can probably tell from the old paintjob, this was an old, flat, one piece cod that I bought off ebay before I knew better. I decided to save sintra and rebuild it using WoL's templates as a guide. It took a lot of shaping and bondo, but I am very pleased with the results. The greeblies are 2 layers of sintra, sanded to shape. The dent was demeled in, and then coated with spot putty, then sanded to a smooth finish. I hope to get some US med green thrown on her tonight.
Wow that cod is good :eek: :eek: :eek:

you have serious talents man :thumbsup:

those pics have a familar feel to them :lol: it doesn't seem that long ago i was at the same stage.

and i thought i was happy with mine!!!! your is just ina league of its own, seriously well done :thumbsup:


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Thanks bud. Your cod was an inspiration for me to build my own. Got my US med green on last night. Time to start the battle damage.
mrgr8ness said:
Thanks bud. Your cod was an inspiration for me to build my own. Got my US med green on last night. Time to start the battle damage.

i should have waited to copy yours :lol:

seriously good work though, can't wait to see this baby painted and weathered :thumbsup:
Well finally time for a finished product. Painted, battle damage, black misting, blackwash, clear matte coat. I am very pleased with the turnout. I am working on the side studs, should be done in a few days. You may notice that in the primer pic, the cod was very round shaped. It flexed and wrapped around my body. Worked well, but wasn't happy with the look. So I put some heat to it and flaired it out, to give it a proper shape-

that is just plain and simply fantastic. It just doesn't get any better than that.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

in a word...............WOW :eek:
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