scratch EE-3 new pics


Active Hunter
hello!!!This are a better pictures of my`s made from 2 cheap western rifle( that also provides me a part of the scope!!) for the butt, and a pistol for the handgrip..............the barrel is made with a pvc pipe, the rings are pvc pipes of other sizes.......the litle details are made in wood, as the lines in the barrel and the piece thats joint the butt and the handgrip.........the detail in the butt are a two washers and wire with the right shappe..............
the last two pictures show the scale......sorry for the blurrye last`s come from the visual dictionary...
after print it, I use common paint cans in aluminium, black and finally brown, and with a cutter made the used efect...............
I also drop plaster inside the barrel and the butt(yes plaster!!)..... it make it heavier........if you take it in your hands you don`t fell that is made of plastic and cheap toys....
ehhhhhh, Im newbie here, so please leave some comments
questions, ideas, and everything you want..........this will be welcome...........
thanks for readyng..........
sorry for my poor english, someday I`ll learn to talk

Imagen 016.jpg


Imagen 005.jpg

Imagen 006.jpg

Imagen 015.jpg

EE-3 carabine1.JPG

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