SarlaccBits Helmet: In progress


Active Hunter
Ok, I finally got off my butt and went to work on painting my helmet (in my living room 'work shop'):


After I had finished all of the green, I put down a nice clear-coat... waited a LONG time to make sure it was dry, taped/masked off the mand.

taking the tape off took off most of the damn paint as well...
This picture doesnt show the extent of the paint removal since I was too angry to take pictures.
This picture was taken a few minutes ago on my lunch break.


So... how am I doing so far?
I have never attempted anything of this nature... am I on the right track?
Thanks all!
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What kind of tape are you using to mask? I've had good results with either the blue 3M painters tape or Tamiya brand masking tape.
Looking good. I used the blue painters tape too, worked well. I ended up painting the upper cheeks by hand, cause I couldn't get the tape to curve like I wanted. The paint is dark, and shouldn't really show brush strokes, especially after weathering. Nice jammies by the way, haha:lol:

I also used the 3M blue masking tape... the weakest adhesive one I could find... still pulled the paint.

I am doing it all by hand now.

(and I love my penguins ice-skating flannel PJs! My hubby gave them to me one year for christmas. :))
I normally take the 3M painters tape and rip some trips out of it that are like 1/4" wide, they will then be able to make most of the curves in one peice, then go back with fill width tape and fill in the rest.It should't pull any paint on, I actually sometimes have a problem getting it to stay stuck.
Your painting was looking great. Sorry about the tape pulling off paint, you must have been mad enough to blast some womp rats! :cry The 3M blue should work, but you can always freehand the whole thing if you're up to it. Good Luck.
Looks great so Far Kim, I take it your brushing it? I remember you saying you live in an apartment where it was'nt feasable for you to spray.

A word of advise on the blue painters tape... Even though it's not supposed to be as sticky as other tape, take strips and before you apply them, stick them on and off of your clothing a few times, this picks up fabric "fuzzies" and makes the tape even less sticky, those blue PJ's should work well for that ;).. After painting when you go to pull the tape off do it slooooowly and gently, rocking the tape back and forth as your sloooowly pulling it off...

I learned that lesson early on, hope it helps
LionsPride said:
Looks great so Far Kim, I take it your brushing it? I remember you saying you live in an apartment where it was'nt feasable for you to spray.

A word of advise on the blue painters tape... Even though it's not supposed to be as sticky as other tape, take strips and before you apply them, stick them on and off of your clothing a few times, this picks up fabric "fuzzies" and makes the tape even less sticky, those blue PJ's should work well for that ;).. After painting when you go to pull the tape off do it slooooowly and gently, rocking the tape back and forth as your sloooowly pulling it off...

I learned that lesson early on, hope it helps

Yup brushing... I also like the amount of control it gives me...
I am doing some spraying... mostly on the jet pack... I do it out on the patio when the weather is nice.

and I will try that! (The fuzzies...)

Thank you!

Wow!!! looking good!!! :)
Sorry to hear the tape took the paint off! That really bites! I've had that happen a few times and it is NEVER fun!!! Then again, I was using Duck Tape! :)
Just another hint with the blue tape. Stick it to the palms of you hands a couple of times and the oils from your skin will help reduce the stickiness of the tape. Lookin' good so far!
Your helmet looks great! I ran into the same problem with the blue masking tape as well so you're not alone there =) I'll be handpainting the inside cheek as well.
Well, been of the net all day, and it appears to me you got some solid advice. Sometimes it isnt feasible to spray, and brushing is sometimes the best way to go (good practice in patience!) Looking awesome!:thumbsup:
One thing I did was spray a matte clear coat over every layer of paint. Got it at Walmart, Krylon Matte Finish. That kept the tape from ever pulling paint up.

my 2 cents...

Bucket is looking good. Its amazing how your green and my green are so different and your using the exact same paint, I see it on the table.
tip when using any kind of masking tape.

lay the piece of tape on your pants leg, to pick up the "fuzz".

this will put small pieces on the tape, making it less prone to pick up paint. (haven't really found a good tape that will never pick up paint)

also - you have to judge the time to pull it up - too soon, the paint will slide over the parts - too late, it picks up.

I usually pull it about 1 min or so after spraying it - but I use an airbrush, spray paint may take longer dry times.

when pulling the tape, pull towards the painted side, that way - if paint pulls, it will tend to do so on the fresh paint, not the otherside.
Also you can warm the tape up some with a hairdryer and peel it off at an angle. Just go slowly, warm a small stretch then peel it off then warm another small stretch, etc. etc.

We used to do this all the time when taking vinyl graphics off of cars. If you don't warm them up they will rip the clearcoat right off the paint!:eek:

Good looking so far! Who's your helmet by?
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Wont krylon spraypain eat away acrylic tho?
Another note, you can get a quiet compressor with a low end aztek airbrush for about $50.00 at wal-mart, its in a small box in the model section called "the mighty mini" I have it and It worked well, the airbrush isn't so much adjustable, but goor enough for base coats. I found that my brush painted areas came up more often than airbrushed areas.
Paint the inside cheeks by hand they did it that way on some of the originals. oh yeah and do them last. If you have an airbrush spray the mands and the red after having done the donme and cheeks then go to the inside cheeks.

I think RS suggestion is Great...Painting by hand helps clean up the "Mistakes";) ....and gives you more can always come back with an airbrush to even it out the brush strokes.

Great Work.:thumbsup: ...and nice PJ's.:lol:
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