Ruffkin gauntlets and fiberglass ?!?


Active Hunter
Ruffkin gaunts and fiberglass ?!?

I´ve bought some months ago a set of Ruffkin-ESB-gauntlets and now I want to install an Aluminium missile and Alu flamethrower which are much more heavier than the resin-parts.

Is it possible to strengthen the material with fiberglass or will it be deformed (because of the Epoxy) ?

Pics of the inner side of your gauntlets would be helpfull

Thanks in advance...
I reinforced my ruffkin gauntlets with fiberglass and had no problems.

The bottoms of the gauntlets flared out a little while they were drying, but not very much. It was easily fixed with a heat gun.
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Here you are.

I don't know if this will be any help. It's also quite messy because it was the first time I had ever worked with fiberglass, but it was very easy and I recommend it!!!

(I got quite a bit of paint over the fiberglass so you can't see it very well...)

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I had ruffkin fiberglass the inside of mine before he sent them to me and they came out great. Plus they have the fantastic smell of fiberglass all the time now.
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Hey Fetts,

thanks for your hints ! I was brave and "fiberglassed" my first gauntlet-half and it works without any damage.

That´s why I love TDH, fast tips and solutions.

Thanks again, I have to work on now,

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Essentially you just spread the resin onto the surface, then cut a piece of the fiberglass material to fit and place it on the already spread resin. Then brush on a uniform coat of the resin and repeat? Or do you just do 1 coat of resin/fabric/resin? As you can see, I've not worked with it before, but feel like I need to beef them up as I've already noticed some tears in the styrene around the hinges-and I just glued them in place yesterday! I think that everything I'll need, they carry at Walmart. Perhaps I'll give it a shot-after I get a few tips from those of you who have worked with it on their Ruffkin gauntlets successfully...You don't have any problems with getting barbs of fiberglass poking you through your jumpsuit do you? I hate working with that stuff. I used to have to hang sheets of fiberglass coated drywall, and I had to throw T-shirts away after a couple days-washing wouldn't take them out at all either. It truly sucked. Hopefully this beefing up of my gauntlets won't be so bad...
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Once the resin dries, you can sand down/snap off any barbs that have remained. I had a few barbs (as I mentioned earlier, I'd never worked with fiberglass before either and it was quite messy) and once the resin dried, I snapped the big barbs off and sanded the rest down. Then I trimmed the fibers with scissors.

I am also going to install some foam to keep the fiberglass from rubbing on my jumpsuit, and to keep them from rolling around on my arm, as the fiberglass adds a little extra weight.

Just be sure to sand the inside of the gauntlets down first to give the fiberglass resin something to hold on to!!!! Just sand them down enough to feel rough to the touch!!! That should do it!

Also, be sure you don't breath too much of the resin mixture. You'll tend to get a little loopy! Make sure you are in a well ventilated area.

It's actually quite easy to do, with some practice! Good luck!:thumbsup:
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That sounds relatively simple. I'll just have to wait for a warmer day and I'll kick on the heater in the garage and do it outside. I don't wanna get loopy on the fumes, well loopier anyway. :lol: This will definitely be good practice as I'd love to be able to learn to make my own armor, and the like from fiberglass...
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I also fibreglassed the inside of mine a couple of years ago. The fibreglass does bond well but will eventually come away if you're not carefull. Handle with care;)

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I´m finished and it works great ! Like DAZ said: handle with care and you´ll be happy later....

Thanks for all the tipps, Fetts !
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I wish I'd have waited and fiberglassed them before gluing in the hinges. I also wish I'd have cut my hinges longer as well-I guess I could glue in a couple short pieces of hinge. I'm having trouble with the right gauntlet. Even with my jumpsuit and a sweatshirt beneath, the gauntlet has to be wrapped tighter around my arm before it's tight enough to wear. Before long it's going to have a blow out as the thin styrene is already tearing-and I've yet to wear them, this is just from fitting it...A friend mentioned for me to try padding the inside of the gauntlet so I'm going to try that as it was a sensible suggestion. before long I think I'll be looking for a fiberglass pair of gauntlets. anyone know someone who makes good quality "Fiberglass" gauntlets at a fair price???I wish I'd have thought to ask ruffkin to fiberglass my pair of gauntlets before shipping them to me, oh well. I'll try and patch them up and make due for a while...
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