Foxbatkllr wrote:
...I buff it periodically throughout the week.
Mirax H wrote:
Hmmm, I have never had a problem with it. Once you buff it, nothing sticks to it.
Baddblood wrote:
I used a very thin layer of rub n buff, buffed the crap out of it 'til it almost got hot, then I did another coat of the thing and again buffed til it got hot.
cal196 wrote:
I think the cylon's are chromed electroplated aluminum
zxwing wrote:
I just finished redoing all of my armor with rub and buff. I did excatly what I saw Seeker do at the tutorial with bare palm. Whenever I got any dark spots I rubbed them out with kleenex. After you set it aside for a few minutes, it actually feels cool and smooth like metal. If I rub it hard with my finger, I can get some to rub off but, with normal handling it is completely dry.
Here are some pics. I will weather with black acrylic tomorrow.