ROTJ flight suit dyeing process


New Hunter
Has anyone dyed their boba fett flight suit (ROTJ) with JUST pearl grey fit dye? Or is the whole 2 day, 4 dyes and 2 bleach baths process super necessary? Also using Red Kap coveralls, hopefully it’ll take with the 65% polyester…seems like they don’t make it in their Dyemore line
The best way to get the hero ROTJ flight suit colors is to take an ESB flight suit (or dye a white suit ESB blue) then leave it in the sun for a couple weeks until the blue loses its saturation.
Has anyone dyed their boba fett flight suit (ROTJ) with JUST pearl grey fit dye? Or is the whole 2 day, 4 dyes and 2 bleach baths process super necessary? Also using Red Kap coveralls, hopefully it’ll take with the 65% polyester…seems like they don’t make it in their Dyemore line
Let me know how it goes! I'm also planning to use liquid Rit dye on my Red Kap coveralls. I might have to find some Dyemore colors that will work for ESB.

- Josh
I am going to try dying mine with a variety of colors based on an older post that used pearl gray, beige, and blue (forget which one). Dying is done based on weight so an 8oz bottle of Rit dye might color 2 lbs of fabric to darkest shade at 30 minutes in 6 gallons of water. My goal is to test color using smaller swaths of similar fabric at different times but maybe only using a gallon of water each time. I did this a couple months ago with the three colors mentioned above but it came out looking too much like the ESB version of the jumpsuit (too much blue tint) and not enough beige--I think the RotJ version is much more beige/gray/grime than that blue-gray version from ESB. (I'll probably also convert everything to metric for ease of scaling). I made mine out of 100% cotton twill so its massively absorbent. Fortunately, when it gets to a color you like, you can pull it out of the bath and add it to the rinse to stop it or even go less on the time in the initial dye and if its not dark enough, do it again so you don't overdo it (which is what I am terrified of doing).
Let me know how it goes! I'm also planning to use liquid Rit dye on my Red Kap coveralls. I might have to find some Dyemore colors that will work for ESB.

- Josh
I ended up doing the whole process instead of just one color and I’m happy with the color turnout. I posted what I did on here if you look at my posts but I used someone’s recipe basically and left out one of the bleach baths. It wasn’t as intimidating as I originally thought it would be
I am going to try dying mine with a variety of colors based on an older post that used pearl gray, beige, and blue (forget which one). Dying is done based on weight so an 8oz bottle of Rit dye might color 2 lbs of fabric to darkest shade at 30 minutes in 6 gallons of water. My goal is to test color using smaller swaths of similar fabric at different times but maybe only using a gallon of water each time. I did this a couple months ago with the three colors mentioned above but it came out looking too much like the ESB version of the jumpsuit (too much blue tint) and not enough beige--I think the RotJ version is much more beige/gray/grime than that blue-gray version from ESB. (I'll probably also convert everything to metric for ease of scaling). I made mine out of 100% cotton twill so its massively absorbent. Fortunately, when it gets to a color you like, you can pull it out of the bath and add it to the rinse to stop it or even go less on the time in the initial dye and if its not dark enough, do it again so you don't overdo it (which is what I am terrified of doing).
I may have ended up using that same formula. I do like how mine turned out but it isn’t beige at all even though the mix included beige ( I posted my process and pictures a week or two ago if you look under my name. I did end up leaving out the second bleach bath since I thought it would turn the suit too light)
I made a variety of swaths, each with the times (minutes) I soaked each one starting with the Beige (10 and 20 min)/dry, then the Pearl Grey (10 and 20 min)/dry, and then Evening Blue (at 50%) (1 and 5 min)/dry. I can't figure out which one is closest, but I can tell that the ones that had 5 min of Evening Blue are more ESB tint and RotJ tint and I am wanting RotJ. Also, used a leftover cotton bedsheet for the swaths since my jumpsuit is cotton (mostly).
Jumpsuit Colors v1.jpeg
I made a variety of swaths, each with the times (minutes) I soaked each one starting with the Beige (10 and 20 min)/dry, then the Pearl Grey (10 and 20 min)/dry, and then Evening Blue (at 50%) (1 and 5 min)/dry. I can't figure out which one is closest, but I can tell that the ones that had 5 min of Evening Blue are more ESB tint and RotJ tint and I am wanting RotJ. Also, used a leftover cotton bedsheet for the swaths since my jumpsuit is cotton (mostly).
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Nice! Which one did you go with? Personally I think I’d lean towards the two right ones in the middle row
Nice! Which one did you go with? Personally I think I’d lean towards the two right ones in the middle row
I haven’t yet. They are still taking up space on the dining room table. I can’t decide which one to go with since the ones without the blue tinting I think are are too blue and I know I need to add some bit of blue. Will decide soon.
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