ROTJ boots


New Hunter
Hey guys,
I want to build my own Boba Fett costume. Do you have any tips on what to start with and where to get what? The boots in particular? Are there providers in Germany or Europe?

Thanks for answers
This list should be a good starting point. It may need to be updated here and there, but it is a good start. I’m sure others can add to the list.

Flight Suit:

Arkady Designs: Log into Facebook
Clothears Costumes: ESB Boba Fett, RotJ Boba Fett
Boba Maker: boba_fett_esb

Ammo Belt (Leather):
Delta Leather: Fett’s Locker – Delta Leatherworks
Handmade Horror Shop: HandmadeHorrorShop | Etsy
Woodman: Login • Instagram

BobaMaker: home
Man of War Studios: Man of War Studios
Minutefett: MinuteFett's Etsy
NeoFett: NeoFett
RS Prop Masters: Boba Fett Archives | RS Propmasters
Quest Design Canada: Quest Design Canada Inc
Viva_Fett: Login • Instagram

CrowProps: CrowProps
WastedFett: WastedFett

Woodman: Login • Instagram
Man of War Studios: Man of War Studios

7CS Props: Login • Instagram
BobaMaker: home
MachineCraft Replicas: MachineCraft Replicas
Minutefett: MinuteFett's Etsy
RS Prop Masters: Boba Fett Archives | RS Propmasters
Viva_Fett: Login • Instagram

BobaMaker: home
Man of War Studios: Man of War Studios
Minutefett: MinuteFett's Etsy
NeoFett: NeoFett
Viva_Fett: Login • Instagram

Girth Belt:
Woodman: Login • Instagram

7CS Props: Login • Instagram
BobaMaker: home
Man of War Studios: Man of War Studios
Minutefett: MinuteFett's Etsy

EE-3 Blasters/Components:
Field Marshal (Aluminum): MANDALORIAN BLASTER KITS - Blaster Factory
Sidewinder (Resin): sidwinderforge Page21
Hellhounds (Rubber): Login • Instagram
Roman Props (MPP Tube): Barrel (MPP) for Webley Blaster - Roman Props | Roman's Empire

Metal Components:
MachineCraft Replicas: MachineCraft Replicas
MinuteFett: Made By Minute
Quest Design Canada: Quest Design Canada Inc
Wasted Metals: Wasted Metals
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