Right Gauntlet Light?


Well-Known Hunter
There is a picture discussing the jetpack attachment and the back armor (it also has a few spots here and there for discussion at a later time), when I stumbled into this picture and then I noticed something that might be a camera mistake, actually something when enhancing a picture makes you think of something else. Either way, it looks like some lights on the side of the right gauntlet.


I know on the Pre-Production Fett had some details on that area of the right gauntlet, not sure if the ESB version has those as well, but this is the first time I see a "Post ROTJ" gauntlet with lights other than the inside top of the left one.

Can someone confirm this?
I think those are just the two dental files (silver and red) reflecting. Those are present on the PP2 and ESB but not the ROTJ, if memory serves. While it could certainly be lights, they're in the approximate location of those dental files...
I forgot to point out, yes, the details were actually dental files, the same ones used in the back of Boba's helmets between the grill and the MQ-1 board for both ESB and ROTJ.
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