BoBF Right Gauntlet "Fittings"


New Hunter
Hey all,

Has anyone identified the screen used, or a suitable look alike for the fittings on the right gauntlet for the hoses? I am looking to start printing my gauntlets and want to thread the holes to use actual metal fittings.

I also just noticed a continuity error in the pilot ep. When Boba and Fennic are fighting the assassins, the assassin Boba takes out with the pike-axe-thing... the video is flipped. His rocket gauntlet is on the right arm instead of the left. :D

Yeah, I saw some complaints that to get certified for the "screen accurate" uber version, you have to make your armor out of rubber and not a rigid material.
I also just noticed a continuity error in the pilot ep. When Boba and Fennic are fighting the assassins, the assassin Boba takes out with the pike-axe-thing... the video is flipped. His rocket gauntlet is on the right arm instead of the left. :D

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Maybe you know this already, but this is common in editing when a character isn't facing the right direction. They did it to him in ROTJ as well.


It's the 180 degree rule. They also did it in ESB at the end when Vader's star destroyer is pursuing the Falcon and they're about to lock on with a tractor beam, but in the SE version they digitally moved the imperial officer rank badges to be on the correct side so it's not as obvious.
Yeah, I'm aware of why/when it's done, just didn't notice it HAD been done in this case. :)

LOL, and I've seen Jedi tons of times over the years... and NEVER noticed that the Boba quick-draw scene was also flipped. Too funny!

Getting back on topic, I wonder if the hoses themselves have some sort of quick disconnect coupling on them. The "metal" part where it connects to the gauntlet looks thicker/longer than the fittings in the suiting up scene.

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Right on, never know how much someone knows about the subject. :)

And with the plugs, I actually used some audio connectors for mine, but I'm not going to strictly accurate. but that is what those remind me of, brass 3.5mm audio plugs.

Looking at those pictures you put up, I just noticed how many little grooves and such those guys put on the gauntlets.
Yeah, there's a considerable amount of detailing on these gauntlets. Embossed/recessed lines and such.
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