Found this at a local drug store (Walgreens) on display. They even alternate flash. A little twiking (small battery and a tilt switch), its small enough to fit in a RF. The best part it was free!!
It's funny, my wife is always laughing at me when we go out shopping, cause she knows everytime we go in any store I'm always "scanning" the store for anything remotely even possible that could be used in costuming... LOL
Nice find. I was playing with my 1 year old nephew the other day at my brothers house and I noticed that most of his toys have lots of flashing light and sounds etc. It got me thinking about buying a really cheap kids toy which has suitable lights and just removing the electronics. Has anyone done this?
Totally free. When they restock the screwdrivers, they come in a new container. They throw the old ones out. Funny thing was the lady at the counter told me that the batteries were dead. If she only knew what I was going to do with this.
For anyone that has buck stores or Dollarama, they always have these flashing pins by the checkout. Small leds with different patterns. I'm thinking for the chest mainly. Usually have them for holidays, Valentines, St. Patty's etc, and probably easter but I havent' checked lately. and you guessed it....for a buck.
Found this at a local drug store (Walgreens) on display. They even alternate flash. A little twiking (small battery and a tilt switch), its small enough to fit in a RF. The best part it was free!!