RECASTING - A must read ...

Flexing the rules for a "valued" member is very questionable. He did it and knew it. Why else would he hide it? That is guilty and the rules were broken. Any mercy would bring the wolves down on TDH.

While I understand where you are coming from and you make a very good point, that last sentence is just not in line with what TDH is about. While neither were banned for recasting, both fettpride and slave1pilot have been banned from TDH in the past and without mercy, they wouldn't be here today... and look what amazing contributions both have given to the board. I am not saying FettDad will do the same or is the same, but there are times when a little mercy can be a very good thing. Is this the time for mercy? Maybe. Maybe not. The issue is not decided in my mind, but for those who are so quick to call for any mercy to be thrown out the window, I would ask you to stop and consider where the site would be if a little mercy hadn't been shown to slave1pilot (who was the catalyst for the identification of the mega micro files) and fettpride (who is producing the GMH, as well as tons of armor and other things).

I also want to be clear that we are not flexing the rules for FettDad. We are simply not jumping the gun before getting all the facts and seeing what is what.
Boy, you'd think with all the BS people have endured throughout the past with recast garbage sold outside this community that recasts within it would be a problem long ago left behind. I really feel for you, Chris. Blood, sweat and tears cost more than money alone... my sympathies man.
I have to say, after reading all that it strikes me that Chris has got the ****** end of the stick and FettDad is somehow still part of our community. I have had dealing with FettDad a number of times, all of which were great and I had respect for D, but the underhandedness of the sales speaks volumes to me.

If FettDad wants to look after his customers he could always refund them and step away.

When you are caught with your pants down you just have to bite the bullet. I would be interested in knowing what constituted the work done to try and justify casting the part as your own and who else may be involved.
Regardless if you didn't know what you did was wrong, you still broke the rules here on TDH, and an apology most likely is in order. We all break rules every once and a while without noticing it, if I went to Michigan and took a left turn and got pulled over I wouldn't tell the officer, "I didn't know, I don't care :)", I'd at least show a little remorse. An apology is the least you could do to help rectify the situation.

Unfair analogie! It's more like if two people driving similar cars took a left turn into each other and one tried to explain how he felt when the turn was made then the other replied that he didn't care get the gist. NOT MADE IN FUN!

Chris~ I have known D for two years now and I would have to say that he is a VERY honest guy but very blunt and a straight shooter. Yes, you make great stuff but even you know of your own reputation of being long winded, sanctimonious and contrite with others. It may not be what you mean to say but there is no "tone of voice" to messages. If you are tired of laboring over your work for benifit of mankind then quit doing it. Calling D out in public with an Atlas Shrugged dissertation sounds a bit self serving especially if ASOK had information that could have leant itself to the quick demise of this situation.

D~ Knock it off! You both are too important to this community to finish like this! I know you and your honesty. I know sometimes it feels like the relationship between Art and Chris os overwhelming...ITS HIS BOARD! Play nice as I know you know how brother.

Art~ Can't you lock this and then shove those two in a room until they make up (or a cage match...okay that was a joke) Now who is long winded.....
Why should chris have to put forth any effort to "make up"?
He did nothing wrong- fettdad is the one recasting chris' work.
What is wrong with you people?
Darrell has no more value on this board than any other thief.
Why give someone a second chance that is not remorseful in the least? so he can make more money with shady deals?
There are plenty of reputable vendors on this board to buy your parts from, use them instead.
Nathan, i know how how passionate you are about this place, i am too...but you keep saying i recasted something...i did not...i didnt make a mold, i didnt make copies... quit calling me a recaster, i dont have the skills to do so... do you not read? who was selling the molds? thanks...

what i did was wrong, but everyone posting seems to keep avoiding the fact that i asked, and thought that making casts of a cast of a found item was ok...people think i made alot of money on this situation, that is just not true...i didnt do it for the money, ill bring up my pay pal transactions to prove it... i took it upon myself, with consent of admin, to have some holsters made for a few choice individuals to finish their costumes... i would have never, ever done this if it was his armor, helmet, gauntlets, something he actually made was a found item...

ban me for misunderstanding the position of TDH on found items...i understand that...i will gladly step away from here to appease those calling for my banning...i am removing myself anyways from here, for reasons i care to spare you with... if i was running, you would have never have heard from me here...i am watching this thread and the posts that people make, and ya, it hurts...but oh well, ya know? i have obligations to take care of, and if doing so means away from here, then fine...

anyone that i need to square up with please private message me your phone numbers...this WILL be my last post on this issue...once the real truth comes out about this whole mess, i hope you can reflect on what you have said, and go on with your lives...
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Why should chris have to put forth any effort to "make up"?
He did nothing wrong- fettdad is the one recasting chris' work.
What is wrong with you people?
Darrell has no more value on this board than any other thief.
Why give someone a second chance that is not remorseful in the least? so he can make more money with shady deals?
There are plenty of reputable vendors on this board to buy your parts from, use them instead.

I merely suggest that there was a misunderstanding along the way no matter how you see it. As a 12 year Cop I ask you who is a thief? Chris said that FD stole from him...need I remind you people that this is a hobbie with "codes"...
1)There is no ordinance, no statute and therefor no laws.
2)Being a hot head is not a crime nor is being long winded.
While rules were broken (no matter how underhanded they may seem) I think this is still a call for level heads (Art at this moment) to take action. Morals aside we are just borrowing intellectual property from a series of movies and NOTHING MORE. I hear talk of blackened eyes for a board or tarnished reputations of a state an I chuckle...We ARE the board! We are the STATE! Level heads need time to become level so check yourselves folks...this is a hobbie (business for some) but a hobbie nontheless.
Here's the points that re sticking out to me.
1.) FP never actually SOLD his molds, so IMO you can stop using this as an excuse.
2.) It seems to me a "found item" would only be a viable excuse if you had an original holster in hand and casted from that. In which case this whole thing would be moot.
3.) having someone else make a casting of someone else's work under false pretenses IS recasting, had you thought otherwise you wouldn't have asked an admin if it was alright.
All the evidence is there, no taking the proper course of action or stalling on it because he has made good contributions, and I'm not saying he hasn't, is showing that what has happened is fine as long as you keep it vague and on the down low.
you keep saying i recasted something...i did not...i didnt make a mold, i didnt make copies...:) quit calling me a recaster, i dont have the skills to do so...:thumbsup: do you not read?

Wait... what?

Yes, I get that technically, you didn't do the work, but it was done at your request, correct? You may not have done the work, but you did orchestrate it on oversaw it which makes you liable. Lets not try to sidestep this on a technicality.

Here are the questions for which I would appreciate straight-forward and non-snarky answers. Feel free to just innumerate your answers. No need to quote the questions.

1) According to you, you got your hands on one of Chris' holsters, saw a need in the community, and approached asok to get permission to recast a found item, correct?

2) At the point which you approached asok, did you know the holster you had was one of Chris'? If not, whose did you think it was?

3) Since you approached asok, you clearly knew there was a potential recasting concern with the item. Why didn't you approach Chris directly?

4) You have sold a number of items publicly on the site, once asok told you he thought it was ok, why didn't you offer the holster publicly?

5) It seems clear that you have been caught doing something you knew or at least suspected you shouldn't have been doing. If you care as much about TDH and your membership here, why have you decided to take such an agrressive stance towards Chris, the staff and the site? Why didn't you immediately apologize and try to make amends?

6) If there is a "real truth" as you are saying there is, why aren't you posting it in order to exonerate yourself?

While I know you said you have made your last post in this thread, I would strongly encourage you to reconsider and answer these questions. A failure on your part to do so will be construed as an acknowledgment that you not only knew better, but have no desire to resolve the situation. While I know a lot of people, Chris included, want your head on a plate just for having orchestrated this recasting, I am more interested in and concerned with your lack of interest in trying to resolve this and instead choosing to lash out aggressively while playing the victim at the same time. The ball is in your court.
Why should chris have to put forth any effort to "make up"?
He did nothing wrong- fettdad is the one recasting chris' work.
What is wrong with you people?
Darrell has no more value on this board than any other thief.
Why give someone a second chance that is not remorseful in the least? so he can make more money with shady deals?
There are plenty of reputable vendors on this board to buy your parts from, use them instead.
I agree with Nathan on this one

Darrell if you have someone else murder someone your just as wrong as the person doing the act stop acting like you did nothing wrong...even if you believed you were in the right you WERE NOT IN THE got caught you initiated the recasting get over your pride and stop being bull headed
i was wrong, i apologize, it wont happen again... i thought what i did was ok, and now we are talking about murder? hmm...alright...nice analogy...

you got your apology, do with it as you wish...and please dont misconstrue aggression with defensiveness...big difference... who started the thread?

the truth hurts, and i respect the others involved, including Chris, to not hash it out...i have never stole from anyone here, i will just put it that way...Chris knows what i am talking about, and we can call up the demons if need be, but i would rather not go there... Art, i respect you, and what you are doing here...i thank you for the opportunity to have contributed to this community in the manner i have...i am willing to step down and take the heat to help others save face since they are wanting to continue here doing what they do...out of respect for my good friend, i am done...please allow my customers a few days to shoot me their phone numbers...if not, i totally understand...

thank you TDH...Terry, Dave, Ivan, Mike, and my customers, i will be in touch guys...
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I merely suggest that there was a misunderstanding along the way no matter how you see it. As a 12 year Cop I ask you who is a thief? Chris said that FD stole from him...need I remind you people that this is a hobbie with "codes"...
1)There is no ordinance, no statute and therefor no laws.
2)Being a hot head is not a crime nor is being long winded.
While rules were broken (no matter how underhanded they may seem) I think this is still a call for level heads (Art at this moment) to take action. Morals aside we are just borrowing intellectual property from a series of movies and NOTHING MORE. I hear talk of blackened eyes for a board or tarnished reputations of a state an I chuckle...We ARE the board! We are the STATE! Level heads need time to become level so check yourselves folks...this is a hobbie (business for some) but a hobbie nontheless.

No need to get snarky with me Ivan. You may not agree with me, and that is fine. I haven't ever made snide comments about anything you have ever posted.
As just someone who has been standing on the other side of the fence watching the kids fight in the next yard, I finally think I might add something:

FettDad, I have never ordered anything from you, but I planned on one of your harnesses whenever the time finally came but you sir, are acting like an *** hole, so stop.
And if I get into trouble for saying so, so be it.

You, and whatever "friend(s)" you are trying to protect have not a leg to stand on unless you ANSWER ARTS QUESTIONS!
Your failure and unwillingness to do so all the while spouting off the same round-robin "apology" you have said for most of your posts complete with as many :) :) :) :) :) as you can chuck in there is infantile.

Art has only asked you to answer some simple and FAIR questions that you seemingly CAN NOT ANSWER truthfully without admitting that you are dead wrong. There is nothing tricky, sneaky, or leading about what he is asking you but I'm sure you think there is, right? Oh yeah, your through posting so Art, that's apparently all you get so I'm going to overstep my bounds and paraphrase the answers on his behalf:

1) :)

2) :thumbsup:

3) :cheers

4) :)

5) :cheers

6) :)

But you know something FettDad if I were you, the only emoticon I would have used from the startof this whole mess is this one:

And I would have to say that if you REALLY had something incriminating over the big-wigs as you claim to, spit it out. They don't seem too worried to me and since they can't actually MAKE you not say anything, you would have and this would be over by now.

And what the heck, it can't make you look any worse.
Look, I don't really think I'm being any more aggressive than you are defiant. And even then, it's only in satirizing how you've looked since this started with all the witch-hunt talk.
This is a public thread, isn't it? I'm only commenting my opinions on things that have been brought up by individuals that have no problem with what they say being aired in that fashion, aren't I?

As for backing off, why not just let us ALL know for sure what it is we "have no idea about" instead of all your tap dancing?

Actually, I don't care what you're hiding but we are all curious as to why you are keeping all your trumps face down if it would help prove you to come out on top? Wouldn't we would be the ones then who would have to admit to being wrong and judgmental?
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i dont want your apologies, and dont want you to have to admit you are wrong...i did the apologizing...the community after i am gone is more important than me bringing to light my experiences and the experiences i have heard from others...i have decided to not bring out the demons, and go down burning...take it however you want to...
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