Real flame thrower?


New Hunter
I was searching thru ebay for boba fett stuff and stumbled across this and was tempted to buy it, but thought i should see what everyone else thinks, or if anyone has purchased this and how it worked. thanks for your help.
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This shows up here every year, and the conclusion ends up being the same every time. Unless your competing for the Darwin Awards, it's probably NOT a good idea to build that.
This kind of stuff should be left to CGI only.
Your whole suit is very flamable and you can't get eveything off "at once".
It looks cool, but I say not a good idea.

My two cents

Oh ya,
I'm pretty sure your not to post LIVE ebay stuff either :facepalm
I have loaded a picture of us at a costume contest (which I WON) just for the fact that my gear works! (You can see the Riddler in the back.)
I am so glad that the seller pointed out that there is in fact a Riddler in that photo. If that doesn't make you want to waste your money I don't know what does!
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Jango_Fett_Jr said:
I am so glad that the seller pointed out that there is in fact a Riddler in that photo. If that doesn't make you want to waste your money I don't know what does!

See, for me, it was that Fett suit he has on. His almost Lucas Archive- like accuracy made me want to buy it, lol.

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Well whoever buys it, let me know when your in Pittsburgh - I can get you to the severe burns unit of any hospital here quickly... :wacko
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