RC RF with a zipzap tutorial

Sleezy wrote:

:confused You're not in my "country-a$$" town, are you? I live in Louisville, KY, down the road from Fort Knox, and my radio shack is almost next door to Walmart, with a Kroger and a pet store inbetween.

Coincidence perhaps, and almost the same setup in Engineering wise talking around here...but close...pet shop 4 blocks down the road! :lol:

Honestly, not far from the truth, but still is a ripoff for a Zip-Zap kit for what it is and what you're gona use. Whoever got it for $10 or less,...LUCKY YOU!!!

Still looking for options around here, Walmart (next door) as a matter of fact! :rolleyes

Those would work fine Phantom. Just make sure you can fit that controller in a pouch or something because they arent super small. You could probably gut it and put the innards in your gauntlet like another board member did with his.

I plan on putting the controls in my gauntlets once I get a pair. If I run in to a problem doing that I will see what the controller looks like on my belt. Since I am doing a custom it mite not look so bad. Thanks.

batninja wrote:


What happened to all the pictures??

Access Denied (Usage Limit)
The owner of this file has exceeded their daily usage limit.
...quoted from VillagePhotos

use the TDH image host to fix the pics :)
Oooo crap, sorry about the pics guys :o. I dont know if they are even up on village photos still. But rest assured. I will make the tutorial available through my website soon . Please be patient, I'm finishing up midterms this week so give me until the weekend. Sorry for the inconvenience guys.

Edit: See if you guys can access the pics directly from this link:
Village photos no longer allows outside linking to the images on free accounts:angry I use these guy to and i have to say they just suck for doing this.:thumbsdown::angry
Ok folks, just click my banner to go to my website. The tutorial with pictures is there in the tutorials section under RC-RF. Enjoy.
They're working fine on my end. It's geocities though so keep trying. Hopefully I will have the time to switch over to my 1 & 1 account but for now you all just have to deal with geocities.
I just came from Radio Shack and they were selling the Zip-Zap cars in a kit for $9.99. They were the "Fast and the Furious" models already taken apart, so you don't have to hack it open.
I just picked up a few perfect cars at the local liquidation store for $4 and they work awesome. Only problem is the speed of the thing, its so fast I'm afraid the antennae will snap!

Let me know if you want to see photos, its pretty similar to the zipzap.
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