Rangefinder Idea

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Hey all you low budget fetts, I have discovered a way to get cheap rangefinder lights.;)

First take a whole puncher(1 made for paper not leather) and a piece of red paper and glue. Then empty the whole puncher and punch out 2 wholes from the paper. Next just glue them to the right spot on the rangefinder and voila an inexpensive way to get the rangefinder LED effect.
But the RF LED's blink...and they're raised...and they actually light up...Couldn't you just paint the LED's and get practically the same effect as colored paper?
LED's are cheap enough by themselves to just glue into place even if they don't work.Mine don't and until I score a hollow RF I guess they will stay dim ;) ........on an ESB Fett the right gauntlet LED's never lit,but could given the switches on the top........hmmmmmmm

DL44 Blaster wrote:

LED's are cheap enough by themselves to just glue into place even if they don't work.Mine don't and until I score a hollow RF I guess they will stay dim ;) ........on an ESB Fett the right gauntlet LED's never lit,but could given the switches on the top........hmmmmmmm

Bugger! I've just wired mine up to a nine volt battery :o ;).
Alright, alright so they don't blink but its much easier to put on than drilling into the RF and shoving LEDs in, while still keeping the same basic effect.
Hey, foks... I don't post much... in fact, ever, but this is a subject I'm <i>real</i> interested in...

I'm sort of like an electrician in the Air Force, in the sense that I got menial electronics training while in Tech School. The rest of my job is computer maintenenace.

Anyway, I found that a basic understanding of electronics would give me a general understanding of a system to make the lights blink... but that mercury switch is way over my head.

Anyway, I won't go into much detail, but I'm goiing to try a way to make this parallel LC Tank circuit from scratch using a 9v battary. It sounds more complicated than it is. THe only thing you can't get from RadioShack is the inductor component.

In any case, a tutorial is in order, along with a general understanding of electronics.

I'll let everyone know how it goes.
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