Per Rogue Studios' color list stuck at the top of this forum:
Helmet (Empire version)
* Panzer Olive Green (Cheeks and dome)
* Boxcar Red (mandibles)
* UP Armor Yellow (Verticle stripes)
* MILW Road Orange (Verticle stripes)
* SP Lark Dark Gray 'unsure' (Gray around scratches)
* Rust (various locations)
* Chrome (scratches) I think this was actually a color called bright silver but this works best.
* Euro Dark green/I think I found this one stay tuned 8/15/05 'Unsure' back of helmet. * Earth(Rangefinder ear)
* RLM Green (Left ear) 'unsure'
* PRR Green(I like weathered black better) (Inside cheeks) this is practically black.
* Rock Island Maroon (Red scratches on left ear).
* Light Gray (on left ear) any light gray will do.
* PRR Maroon for the dark color on mands may need to darken this color with a touch of black I am unsure of the correct color for this at this time but this works.
* Panzer dark yellow (Rangefinder ear) if you do not have aluminum ears you will need to mix a silver with this to tone it down. F505111
I think I asked in that post if one was closer then the other, but it went unanswered.. So I ended up getting both, but haven't gotton to that point yet..
Other then that, you don't wanna know my opinion on the ear color
Here's what I did with mine. I painted the Range Finder Ear 'metallic silver' and then dull coated it. After that, I dry brushed a mixture of yellow, brown, and black pastels. It gives it that dull yellow look from certain angles and the goldish look from different angles.
Plus there is no definitive, 'set in stone' color for any part of the helmet. Rogue Studios admits in his thread 'Chronicle of Fett' that the only thing he could corroborate was the actual brand of paint used (Floquil Enamels), not the actual colors.
* Panzer dark yellow (Rangefinder ear) if you do not have aluminum ears you will need to mix a silver with this to tone it down. F505111
I think I asked in that post if one was closer then the other, but it went unanswered.. So I ended up getting both, but haven't gotton to that point yet..
Other then that, you don't wanna know my opinion on the ear color
I'm UK based and I always use 'Titanium Gold' (Tamiya). It's a kind of light metallic gold, almost asif it has silver mixed with it. I've tested loads of different options and I think that this is almost identical.
Helmet and I are not on speaking terms at the moment.. He's lucky he's still in one piece actually.. No matter how far I get, he always seems to resort back to his primer beginnings.. I haven't had anything nice to say to him lately, so I figure it be best that we take a break from each other for a little while.. How's a perfectionist with no painting skills supposed to do this anyway? Hopefully everyone will still be around when he makes his debut.. *sigh*