Range Finder Blueprints/Templates


Well-Known Hunter
UPDATED 1/6/06 Templates Online!

Here is the link to the PDF file containing a set of full size rangefinder templates. The file includes a set of dimensioned drawings in addition to a set of templates for the RF shell for both ESB and ROTJ. Everything except the first page is full size. Also the template and the dimensioned drawing do not account for material thickness. I would follow SingleSeatForever’s recommendation and use .080” thick material for the basic construction of the shell.

Sorry, but I have not try to resolve the mounting of the rangefinder to the stalk you will need to decide that based on which stalk you have. Also you will need to make adjustments depending on which LED electronics package you decide to install.

I highly recommend using SingleSeatForever’s Rangefinder construction tutorial as a guide when building the rangefinder. (here is the link: http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/showthread.php?t=9190 )

If you have any questions please drop me a line and I’ll see what I can do. And please post your results if you use the these templates.



P.S. I would like to thank SingleSeatForever for his wonderful tutorial, which helped inspire these templates.
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Thanks guys. Well I have rediscovered a pic I took of the Don Post Boba rangefinder with the top cover removed showing the LED battery and I just happen to have that same battery, so I was able to establish a scale. I'll be posting the flat pattern with dimension shortly.

I also wanted to thank SingleSeatForever for his wonderful range finder tutorial, which was a great asset during the drawing process.

I have updated the first post with a link to the PDF file containing a set of full size rangefinder templates. The file also includes a set of dimensioned drawings in addition to the templates for the RF shell for both ESB and ROTJ.

If you have any questions please drop me a line and I’ll see what I can do.


P.S. One last note, be careful during assembly not to reverse the patterns so that you do not create a left handed rangefinder, like I did when I tested the templates. On the other hand I don’t think that I have ever see a left-handed Boba Fett, might be something to consider.
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It has been brought to my attention that I mixed up the ROTJ and the ESB pieces. So for the time being please ignore those labels I will endeavor to straighten it out and get a new PDF file post soon. It was midnight last night when I finally finished these up and I knew I was going to miss something.

Thank you for keeping me on the straight and narrow. If anyone has additional suggestions or omissions please let me know and I'll get them fixed as well.

What in the heckfire happened to the PDF of the templates for the rangefinder???? I was all ready to make one tonight and to no avail... its gone! Wiz... post if back up!!
The site that was hosting them got hacked and everything got deleted and now I can't post PDF files for security reasons. Please send me an e-mail at wizardofflight@comcast.net and I'll send them to you directly.

I am working a new home for all my templates, but until then I'll need to e-mail them out.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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