Questions about makeing Custom's

Dot Phear

New Hunter
Hi, I am currently drawing up some plans for a mando. Questions I got is there any set rules on like what there should be ( like what is the must on every suit ) and the jet pack can it be made different? I just don't want to break some Galactic Law on Mando armor and be Flogged for later.
really all i think that it NEEDS is the helmet, chest and shoulder armor, cod peice and gauntlets. other than that its fair game. if you go with a Jet Pack it doesnt have to look just like Boba or Jango, it can be your design. Its YOUR custom so do what you want really.
Honestly, I think that if you want to go truly custom, the only thing that really needs to be standard is the helmet, and even then, it doesn't have to be a precise copies of the Fetts.

A bit of research about the Mandalorian people has shown that their armor has changed over the years, as is shown in this pic, which I found on wookieepedia.

All of these are technically correct forms of armor, they just aren't from the movies, so don't expect to use it to join the 501st.

I'm currently working on a custom myself, and am designing it towards a Mandalorian Sniper/Scout, so the armor I'm thinking of will have some resemblance to the Fett style of armor, but it definatley won't be a carbon copy.

Hope this helps
yes it does thanks for responding, Im leaning toward a commander or high rank of some sort or maybe a champion hunter once i get the pic's drawn up i will get them on the site and start makeing my armor.
Dot, glad I helped. I read today that the Knights of the Old Republic #7 comic book is an excellent source for mandalorian armor that isn't the style Boba/Jango wear.
i know that a helmet kind of gives a costume a Mandalorian look to it, but is it REALLY required? has anyone ever tried making a montross costume? i know in open season he wore a helmet, but he didnt ALWAYS wear it...look @ the bounty hunter game. he still looked Mandalorian, but lacked that infamous helmet...ahh hell, maybe this ranting is pointless...if i end up makin a custom it'll have a helmet just cuz they're too cool for school. just thought i'd try to illustrate a (valid?) point.
That's what I'm going to love about my custom. If I get too hot in there, I can take it off, and not have to worry about looking like Jango or something! :thumbsup: I'll still probably try to keep it on as much as I can, because I don't look like a tough, battle worn Mando much. :lol:
yes it does thanks for responding, Im leaning toward a commander or high rank of some sort or maybe a champion hunter once i get the pic's drawn up i will get them on the site and start makeing my armor.

Mando's don't really go in for ranks that much, so unless you're planning a Mandalore armour rank is largely irrelevent. But having said that, you can focus more on honor or clan markings (the Jaig eyes for instance)
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