Prepro Fett left Gauntlet Flamethrower

Boba die Wix

Active Hunter
I start to build the Prepro Version and looking for better pics of this Version of the left Gaunt Flamethrower.
Is there any one out there who can help me?
Thanks a lot Sven


Actually that first gauntlet flamethrower that Boba_die_Wix posted is entirely different than the commonly seen long one with a red wire coiled around it. This one looks closer to the ROTJ one, though still quite different. It almost looks like a triangular prism shape, though the lack of photo reference makes it very hard to determine.
Jango_Fett_Jr said:
Actually that first gauntlet flamethrower that Boba_die_Wix posted is entirely different than the commonly seen long one with a red wire coiled around it. This one looks closer to the ROTJ one, though still quite different. It almost looks like a triangular prism shape, though the lack of photo reference makes it very hard to determine.

Very true. I have never seen this 'triangular' flamer before, it would be interesting if anyone could shed some light on it.
Jango_Fett_Jr said:
Actually that first gauntlet flamethrower that Boba_die_Wix posted is entirely different than the commonly seen long one with a red wire coiled around it. This one looks closer to the ROTJ one, though still quite different. It almost looks like a triangular prism shape, though the lack of photo reference makes it very hard to determine.

Hi Jango Fett Jr, you´re right, it must be the first Prototype Version after the Albino Version....
Thanks Sven
hey can anyone tell me what the main differences are between ESB and ROTJ and how many versions(officially are there?) I think my suit is amalgamated.
The first set of pics is of the pre-pro3 costume, the one right before the ESB costume. I am trying to remember what the pre-pro1 gauntlets look like. These unfortunatly don't have lots of pics floating around, I have seen less then 10(perhaps less then 5) pics of these. Check the chronicles book, there are some in it.

Wickedbeard that first pic that you posted is not a fan made costume that is the real deal, the other two are fan made. In just a few weeks you can see my rather fantastic set of these that were made for me by one of our very talanted gauntlet makers.
I think the "PrePro 0" Version (Albino) has the same Gauntlet Flamethrower then the Version 1.
Thanks Sven



The first set of pics is of the pre-pro3 costume, the one right before the ESB costume. I am trying to remember what the pre-pro1 gauntlets look like. These unfortunatly don't have lots of pics floating around, I have seen less then 10(perhaps less then 5) pics of these. Check the chronicles book, there are some in it.

Wickedbeard that first pic that you posted is not a fan made costume that is the real deal, the other two are fan made. In just a few weeks you can see my rather fantastic set of these that were made for me by one of our very talanted gauntlet makers.
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