Pre Vizsla Praetor's Pre Vizsla WIP Thread

All that is left to draft are the thighs and gauntlets. After this, I can cut these out for size and then get them built!

Well the biggest roadblock is out of the way. That's right, I have finally been able to get the thighs done.

For those of you using my design to build your own, here's the thing. You will have to put it together yourself. The "smaller" rectangle goes on the top of the set-up to help keep it together. The rest should be self-explanatory.
Oops... I forgot one... This is the gauntlet. It should be made out of a single sheet of sintra. Fold it around for closure. Here's the deal, the edge has a specialty cut to it, which is shown in the picture at the bottom. This cut includes a couple of holes cut in the gauntlet. Believe it or not, these holes are useful!

Here's the deal, the smaller plates with the square edges are what you are going to use to secure the gauntlet shut (unless you have a better idea). Glue the longer plate under the lower part of the gauntlet (with the tooth on it). Then, glue the smaller plate on top of that (it may need sanded slightly) so it snaps inside the upper part's cutout. To take the gauntlet off, just press into the upper part and pull it apart.

The rounded edge piece is for the opposite side of the gauntlet. However, the fun part comes with the top.

The base for it is a 1/4-inch box that extends from 1/2-in back from the wrist to the normal line of the back (not including the detail/tooth on the back -- 7.5-in for this size). It should also be 2.5-in wide.

The forward box is 2/5 of the length of the base box (3-in for this size). It is also 2-in wide and 1/4-in high. It sits It should sit 1/4-in from the edges of the front box.

The fun part comes with the detail. You have to bondo around the edge at about a 60-degree angle. This includes the front part. It should look like one full piece. Oh, and don't forget to add the edge to the back of the top piece!

So, here's the deal. I decided to actually use my head (and my CAD program) to draft these out right. With that in mine, I have made some minor changes to some of the parts. Also, since it is in a CAD format, I can easily tweak the sizes for those of you who may be interested in getting your hands on these in a template form. Before you ask, I will not be starting the templates until I have a set of this stuff on my body for both size and comfort testing (just in case other tweaks are necessary). Oh, and these are all set to print on 11x17 size paper.

So, without further preamble...



Left Chest

Right Chest & Diamond







Boots & Gloves

Left Gauntlet

Right Gauntlet
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First I want to say your eye for detail is great! Second, I'm new to this forum but i have a suggestion for your darksaber design. There is a great electronic saber out there for Spiderman II, called the Electronic Goblin Sword. It has a different sound board than Star Wars sabers do and different crackle and clash effects but it does resemble the sounds from Clone Wars.
Here's a pic

It would be quite a project to convert its design, the blade extends(though it does not fully retract into the hilt) in the same manner as some Lightsabers do. A good holster could conceal that. And the blade is a tall oval shape but it ends in a spherical bulb to prevent eye injury :(, this can be altered but you would have to be really good with plastics and solvents. It's also easy to obtain for about $20 including shipping. The design as is could be used with no alteration as an Old Republic Saber as I am using for my Sith Acolyte project.
I will also be watching this one very closely.

I admire your research and Planning. As a professional Draftsman, I also admire your templates. (You wouldn't have those in a DWG format, would you?) ;-)

Looking good!

Well, after looking over some of the options available, I have decided to make one of my own. I am doing it cheaply, easily, and realistically. For this, you will need 3mm sintra, bondo, glue/epoxy, and a 1-inch long ½-inch cylinder or tube.

The instructions are simple.

1. Cut out two of each of the pieces.
2. Round the top edge of the grip inlays
3. Glue the body of the pistol together.
4. Put bondo into the bottom of the barrel area and then glue the barrel into it.
5. Bondo around the top of the barrel inside the body and between the forward posts.
6. Glue the two tabs together and place them over the end of the barrel (before the Bondo dries).
7. Sand the edged flat.
8. Round the pistol grip
9. Prime and paint as desired. I suggest you use a non-etching primer as it will aid in keeping the integrity of the overall body.
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Last, but not least, this is the Darksaber. Taking a cue from my previous post (the pistols), I decided that the Darksaber could be done in the same manner. This one will only need the epoxy and 3mm sintra, though. Not that it will be easier, but that's half the fun!

The instructions are simple.

1. Cut out two of each of the pieces (unless more are stated). Try to be as exact as possible.
2. Glue the body of the saber together.
3. Sand it smooth.
4. Fold the guard at a 90-degree angle on the doted line.
5. Glue the guard onto the body.
6. Glue two of each tab together (for a total of 11)
7. Sand the tabs smooth.
8. Glue the tabs into their proper placement on the saber.
9. Round the grip
10. Prime and paint as desired. I suggest you use a non-etching primer as it will aid in keeping the integrity of the overall body.
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Well, what I was thinking was making it similar to a lightsaber but flat. Paint the sides black, weather along the edge. Include a white EL wire inside the edge and call it good.
Now I am cooking with Tibanna!

I have been told by a couple of people that I am doing a great job of planning, but do not really have anything to show for it. Well, here is what I have!

Tonight I drew up and cut out my pistols. I still need to go over them with a dremel and sand paper, but the basic shape is there! Sintra is wonderful.
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I'm still working on it. Once the rain stops and I can dremmel without electrocuting myself, I will finish up the armor and pistol. Expect some pics by the middle of next week!
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