PM tracking...


Active Hunter
Hey, do you guys (admin) have this feature enabled? I click on it, and it just says that I'm not tracking anything. Yet, I do have PM's out that I'm waiting for responses on.

On a different board that I post on, its vBulletin as well, all you do is click it and it brings up all sent PM's and shows whether or not they've been read. Am I doing something wrong to get this to work?

If its disabled, any chance of getting it enabled? This could be really useful here on TDH in a number of ways.

1. Take the money and run sellers. These are the sellers that communicate until they get your cash, and then are dead silent to all questions regarding what you've already paid for. At least with tracking enabled you'd know for a fact whether or not they are actually avoiding you.

2. Unresponsive vendors. Seems like a bunch of folks on the board offer similar items, but some are unresponsive to PM's. I'd rather know that they read my PM, and ignored it, than be left hanging. That way, I could move on to the next vendor on my list without having felt as if I've missed out on anything.

3. General disputes (recasting) - I saw an example of this recently where one fellow was accused of copying someones work, and then was further accused of not answering the PM's regarding the situation. With the tracking enabled, you'd actually see whether or not they are ignoring you.

4. Selling. Someone says that they are going to buy something from you, you send the Paypal info, and then nothing happens... Did they get your PM? Should you sell to someone else? Whats going on? lol... Know what I mean? Tracking would really help clear things up in this department as well.

Like I said, I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong when trying to track them, but I figured that I may as plead my case just in case the feature is disabled. Any help would be appreciated...


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Any time that I click on the reply message it has worked for me, and yeah I to have hard makers of all types of items that have read my messages and choosen to ignore them. But I think that it is a helpful feature, and it has always worked for me.
Not sure what you mean about the reply message... What does that have to do with the tracking of a sent PM? It seems that the 2 have nothing to do with one another. Can you clarify?

Did that sound rude? It isn't meant to... Darn interweb... Its meant to sound like a legit question, not snippy. Do they have an emote to counter anything that may come off the wrong way? lol...

In any case, thanks in advance. ;)

Not sure what you mean about the reply message... What does that have to do with the tracking of a sent PM? Thats not meant to sound rude, it just seems that the 2 have nothing to do with one another. Can you clarify?

Well actually it has everything to do with it. If you see below the message that you want to send someone there is a little box and a message that says "request read receipt of message" you can consider this to be your tracking of a private message. So basically it has everything to do with what you are talking about. Click on it and then at the private message page you will have 0 of 1 unread private message receipt. We were talking about the same thing, but calling it something different.
Ah..... Okay........ I got it... I thought you meant the actual reply button. I never noticed the additional options check boxes at the bottom before when forming PM's on here. ;)

Thanks very much, I appreciate it. :)
Ah..... Okay........ I got it... I thought you meant the actual reply button. I never noticed the additional options check boxes at the bottom before when forming PM's on here. ;)

Thanks very much, I appreciate it. :)

No problem. I sometimes forget that they are there as well because I never scroll down to the bottom of the page.
The box should be checked by default... I just looked in the other options and didn't see an option to keep it checked. Maybe its something admin. can look into? Again, thats unless I'm missing the option.
As is mentioned above, this messages can be tracked by selecting the read receipt option. This is not something that is enabled by default as it is does not appear to be a feature that most users use.
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