please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boba Fett's gun. -as you know- is not real, therefore the trigger would be disconected from the firing pin spring from the webley flare gun. There is no caliber to revolver and hit the firing pin, its a dead trigger. I would stop with all these worthless threads to.
im making a fanfilm which involves a couple of closeups of the trigger being pulled and would rather get it right.
just because you dont understand the questions and cant answer them doesnt mean its a worthless question
phat, i do believe the question was understood and was answered. You seem to be posting a lot of useless threads and then provoking people with your replies. To answer your question again, the Fett gun, as Cal pointed out, is fake, although based on a Webley flaregun, it is still fake. You should see some of the high res closeup shots of the MOM or AOSW exhibits.

Therefore, there is no trigger to pull as it is not an active trigger, i.e.; it doesn't move.

Now, on my blaster, I used a prop Colt Peacemaker. The prop I used acted like a real handgun, except it did not have a firing pin and the barrel was not completely bored out. Once I painted it and attached the chamber guard, the hammer became non functioning.

My trigger does move, because I was too lazy to cut it out (which I am thinking of doing) but it moves only slightly and it is rather loose.

So, I hope this answers your question. Please be more respectful.
i have not been disrespectful to anyone, i asked the question and people started calling me names.
im making a film and a freind whom is trained as a sniper many years ago said that the trigger should be more harline but if hes using his everyday cqb weapon then the hairline triggers are not a good idea therefore when filming to make it look more realistic i wanted boba to use his webley as apposed to bringing in a new gun but also wanted him to look the pro not an amature.
i was told i could get help from this forum but all that seems to be happening is namecalling and assuming otherwise.
but i have shown no disrespect to anyone.
I never called you any names, You need to get your threads strait -theres enough of them- I gave advice to the best of my ability, I believe this thread to have no merit, that is not an insult, but my opinion and you are free to disagree.
Now I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing this fan-film.
It's going to be really groundbreaking, and will hopefully win you many awards, if you plan to include shots so close-up and detailed that you can visually distinguish between the amounts of pressure needed to pull a hair-trigger and one with a rougher pull.

If your friend the sniper is playing Fett, then you might even be able to save some money by having him simply act like the trigger is pulling more roughly than it really is.
Or if not, you could bring him onboard as a creative consultant and have him coach the actors in how to fake different levels of twitch.
( OBviously, if you opt for the latter scenario, you would have to credit him as such - So make sure that whoever's in charge of your on-screen text is aware of the possible changes to your crew roster! )
the friend who is the sniper isnt playing fett. its the distance the triger travels that im worried about not the pressure. clearly your just winding me up. think its nearly time to contact the moderators if you persue my threads.
This is to the point where it is beyond Hilarity!
Whats next? I mean really, I've heard the fan film blah blah before and never saw it come to any sort of fruition.
I've had people go as far to rent costumes and well ...have yet to see a film from it.
So yeah it is a bit hard to swallow and if the validity of the questions is true then fine. If not then why is any one being comdemened for asking where all this is coming from really?
I'm fairly new to this forum myself, and I really see this as a bit much as well.
It is rather random and out of the woodwork.
Just my 2 cents.
Reverend Scapegoat said:
Now I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing this fan-film.
It's going to be really groundbreaking, and will hopefully win you many awards, if you plan to include shots so close-up and detailed that you can visually distinguish between the amounts of pressure needed to pull a hair-trigger and one with a rougher pull.

If your friend the sniper is playing Fett, then you might even be able to save some money by having him simply act like the trigger is pulling more roughly than it really is.
Or if not, you could bring him onboard as a creative consultant and have him coach the actors in how to fake different levels of twitch.
( OBviously, if you opt for the latter scenario, you would have to credit him as such - So make sure that whoever's in charge of your on-screen text is aware of the possible changes to your crew roster! )

LOL!! RS:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ....Please stop...My Stomach is hurting...:lol: :lol: :lol:
This is some funny stuff.....
I would say that no one will notice the difference in the trigger pull in that this is going to be a 1 second shot at longest. Just make it look cool. I'm sure no one will complaine/notice the difference in the trigger's pull anyways. I don't think anyone knows the trigger pull unless you wanted ot use the one for the webley gun. That would be your best bet I suppose. Goodluck with this FanFilm! FanFilms take a LOAD of work, and I hope you know what your getting into.
Hmmmm .... wonder if in ANY of the SW trilogy they ever show a closeup of Fett firing his rifle, squeezing the trigger, etc. I dont think so, but I could be wrong. You know, maybe Lucas will re-edit it to get the continuity of trigger pressure down, so this question will finally be answered.
What's funny?

I run an Airsoft site over here in the UK, and know a few ex-SAS members, as well as a load of currently-active military personell.
I've mentioned this to a few of them, and they're eager to see the results of this - Some of them are trained as snipers as well, and they say that they've been waiting for YEARS to see a movie correctly and accurately portray the distance one's finger needs to move to fire a real-life gun.
They say that even though Fett's blaster is a fictional energy weapon and trigger pull wouldn't be such an issue in the Star Wars universe, this film will still be a step up from the reprehensible Tom Berenger vehicle "Sniper" - In which the issue of trigger-pull distance was barely even MENTIONED!

Such a travesty...
BobaN00b said:
Hmmmm .... wonder if in ANY of the SW trilogy they ever show a closeup of Fett firing his rifle, squeezing the trigger, etc. I dont think so, but I could be wrong. You know, maybe Lucas will re-edit it to get the continuity of trigger pressure down, so this question will finally be answered.

I think you've hit upon something here, actually!
The whole "Greedo shot first" thing - Maybe the props that were originally built for that scene were the cause of the "Mistake" in the first place!
Maybe Greedo was always MEANT to shoot first, but the silly, silly propmaker who built his gun failed to set the trigger correctly!
The actor pulled the trigger on his cue - But being used to a lighter pull, his shot actually came that split-second too late and he ended up being "Shot" by Harrison Ford instead,

My god, this is a revelation!
You, sir, are a genius!
askywalker98 said:
I would say that no one will notice the difference in the trigger pull in that this is going to be a 1 second shot at longest. Just make it look cool. I'm sure no one will complaine/notice the difference in the trigger's pull anyways. I don't think anyone knows the trigger pull unless you wanted ot use the one for the webley gun. That would be your best bet I suppose. Goodluck with this FanFilm! FanFilms take a LOAD of work, and I hope you know what your getting into.

im not having a go at you but i just didnt realise i had to tell everybody everthing and just becuase im new doesnt mean im green or soft.
read some of scapegoats posts ....from the start hes just trying to wind me up....maybe jelous that im trying to take my hobby further and to honest ive had enough of him.maybe the moderators should act on this.
you also say its only a hobby...some people take their hobbys seriously though and enjoy it.
go to to see some very good fanfilms which clearly have had a lot of work , thought and money put into them. i was told everyone on this forum was helpful and was good for information but im seriously having my doughts. it just seems to be a " pick on the new guy " forum.
pathetic really.....i do hope the other members can understand where im coming from.
Hey, I resent that!
I'm SO not picking on you! I've been nothing but polite, and helpful and I've been met with nothing but accusations and abuse.

I think that what you're doing is very cool, and you did promise us photos - I just can't wait to see them is all.
I meant it when I said it would be a tragedy if you decided not to show us any because you think I'm having a go, or because your camera failed!


Show us the piccies!
Alright that is it.
Knock it off fellas.
Phat-Fetts, please refrain from baiting and trolling. I have been giving you the benefit of the doubt all day. You have been warned.
RS and everybody else, if you feel as if youre being baited - please ignore the behavior and bring it to our attention.
I actually geniunely DO want to see this guy's photos!
I'll be as gutted as the rest if it turns out that he IS lying.

I'll leave off posting for now, though. Give him a chance to read through my posts and answer my questions.


* Goes out to see Nine Inch Nails *
obi sean kenobi said:
Alright that is it.
Knock it off fellas.
Phat-Fetts, please refrain from baiting and trolling. I have been giving you the benefit of the doubt all day. You have been warned.
RS and everybody else, if you feel as if youre being baited - please ignore the behavior and bring it to our attention.
..............for your attention................

i ask a few questions as i was told your site is pleasent and helping and im steered towards leaving it allready as you say im baiting and trolling.

i have had nothing but sarcasm thrown at me. i post one funny thread about picking your nose with the helmet on and im judged from that.
thats fine you warn me all you want but i hope the warning goes to that paticular person that has done nothing but use sarcasm toward me as well.

i made a mistake and used a swear word that was starred out and appologised, i seem to be apologising a lot on my first day on here.

i personally think it would be unfair to single just me out and hope you will deal with this matter, thanks.

regarding the other person/child in question i will now totaly ignore any more comments i recieve from him/her and hopefully get some answeres from the proper people on here..... thanks again
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