Fettist Hunter Nov 6, 2005 #1 I read the thread concerning who has the best flight suit and was wondering if anyone can post some pics of their fiinished Fett suit and reveal what suit they used and their height and weight. This may help in the choosing process.... thanks!
I read the thread concerning who has the best flight suit and was wondering if anyone can post some pics of their fiinished Fett suit and reveal what suit they used and their height and weight. This may help in the choosing process.... thanks!
RBF Well-Known Hunter Nov 6, 2005 #2 I think you could learn a thing or 2 from this thread... http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/showthread.php?t=9918
I think you could learn a thing or 2 from this thread... http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/showthread.php?t=9918
Fettist Hunter Nov 6, 2005 #3 Yea i saw that one I was just trying to get a few more pics on here for that kind of thing... Thanks!
Yea i saw that one I was just trying to get a few more pics on here for that kind of thing... Thanks!
Pavespawn Active Hunter Nov 12, 2005 #4 Skygunbro suit, TK-409 vest and neck seal. I am 6' and about 190 ish.
Pavespawn Active Hunter Nov 12, 2005 #7 Thanks. I recommend them. Especially in a warm environment. He makes these custom to each person so they fit perfect!
Thanks. I recommend them. Especially in a warm environment. He makes these custom to each person so they fit perfect!
FettOfficer Active Hunter Nov 12, 2005 #8 Very well recommend Skygunbro ....He and his wife does awesome jobs on the flight suits both ESB AND ROTJ.
Very well recommend Skygunbro ....He and his wife does awesome jobs on the flight suits both ESB AND ROTJ.