Ovary Bits... for lack of a better subject line!


Active Hunter
Okay ZIA... I've got some questions on the "Ovary Bits" you made.

First... what did you make them out of? What paint did you use?

Second... Could you give me/us some measurements for those (including depth of each piece) ?

Third... Could you post some close up pics of how you attached the whole thing to the chest piece? *begs*

And if anyone has any suggestions or comments on making this part... I'm all ears! :)
Okay, you got me, Zam I Ain't is in the process of making lower armour. We're gonna wait until we have them mostly finished before posting about em.;) We're trying to time it with the straps production. It's too hard to describe everything that goes into them. Resin casted, um flat aluminum timiya paint air brushed, with purp interior. Our fully assembled and finished lower armour will be a full top hose >0< connecter to the leather stomach plate dyed glued and sealed connected to the moon piece and horseshoe piece with the ovary bits with leather backing and painted. On the thread http://tdh.prop-planet.com/viewtopic.php?from=post&topic=6222&forum=10#last
you can see everything that goes on-on the back side of everything.
Hmmm.. I must be psychic or something...

Zam I Am wrote:

Okay, you got me, Zam I Ain't is in the process of making lower armour. We're gonna wait until we have them mostly finished before posting about em.;)

So... in other words you're telling me to forget about it and get my skirt done! ;) :D

Sounds great! Glad I brought it up now.. before I started working on that part! Can't wait to see the finished project now! :D

Okay... another can of worms to open... If you're doing the bottom half of the armor... is DCB by chance doing the top half (Like he hinted at D*C)? If so *please... let it be so!* Will the two parts easily connect to each other? If not... how do we bribe DCB into doing that part?
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