Ord Mantell
Well-Known Hunter
not off-topic at all. the mannequin on the first page... there are two different ones there actually. Both are capable of standing without tipping over from the weight of the jetpack. One is basically this type: ebay link (not my auction) and the other is this: another ebay linkThis is probably way off-topic. But what mannequin did you purchase in the first page? I see you're able to safely rig up the jetpack and the mannequin doesn't tip over. Is it custom-made or a certain brand? I bought a simple $100 one from Amazon and it would fall right over if I tried to put on the jetpack, which is disappointing.
I ended up tossing the first one because, though its posable, the joints break easily. I had both hips break on it so it's basically garbage now. I don't recommend it.