Opinions please on this base gun.


Active Hunter
Going to start a scratchbuilt ROTJ. What do you guys think of this toy 357 as a base gun?


looks like a nice bet, you can even leave the left side of the handle off and attach your grip for the stock there by simply screwing it into place.

go for it :)
yeah, the whole gun comes apart in halves. i was thinking about injecting something into the middle to make it heavier and sturdier.
Nice find

love the idea that the grips come off, like RBF said, will work nice for attaching the stock plate

Ive made a few scratch build props, an e11 and a mg34, that didnt turn out bad. I'm thinking about tackling an ROTJ version myself.

Anyone know of any tutorials around ? I'd love to compile as much info as I can before I start a project.
Thanks for the pics psberetta, that gives me a great idea of its potential.
I just picked up everything but the rifle stock. I've got scrap wood lying around the house but I don't know if I want to use wood. I'll post pics of my assembly progress as it happens.
Hi guys and girls is there anywhere I could get complete measurements and dimensions for the E11 blaster? I would like to have a go at building it from scratch with PVC pipe etc thanks guys appreciate it
Hi guys and girls is there anywhere I could get complete measurements and dimensions for the E11 blaster? I would like to have a go at building it from scratch with PVC pipe etc thanks guys appreciate it

I found this on google images I'm not sure if they are 100% accurate but I'm sure others would weigh in.


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Hi guys and girls is there anywhere I could get complete measurements and dimensions for the E11 blaster? I would like to have a go at building it from scratch with PVC pipe etc thanks guys appreciate it

Are you looking for Boba's rifle measurements or a Stormtrooper rifle measurements? Boba's is an EE-3. If thats what you need Bcarp100 has posted a great image above. If its an E-11 (Stormtrooper) you are needing just Google Image Search E-11 blaster template and you will get a lot of hits.
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